Hello Cognoise,
We have a standalone installation of Cognos 10.1.1 on Windows server. The Content store (SQL Server 2012) and all the relational databases (SQL Server 2012) are on different servers.
Since long time we have been experiencing connectivity issues (occuring less often) between Cognos and Relational DB's. Upon asking IBM, they have suggested us to Install FIX Pack 4 to resolve connectivity issues. Besides, they have also told us that the Cognos 10.1.1 doesn't support SQL Server 2012.
Upon investigating further, we have also found that the SQL Server driver installed on our App server is an Old version (6.0v). Upon contacting the DBA, we've been told that the version of the driver supported by SQL Server 2012 is version 11.
My questions are
1) Per IBM, If Cognos 10.1.1 doesn't support SQL Server 2012, how are we still be able to run the reports successfully ?
2) Do we really need to install Fix pack 4 ? Does it even resolve the problem or is that the issue lies some where else?
3) Is the old version of the SQL Server driver on the App server causing the issue ? Does the App server communicate with the SQL Server DB's (on different server) through API or the driver ?
Your advices and opinions are highly appreciated.
Thanks a lot !
SQL Server 2012 most certainly is supported. I have no idea why they would tell you it was not. See for yourself.
http://www-969.ibm.com/software/reports/compatibility/clarity-reports/report/html/prereqsForProduct?deliverableId=1267644462529#! (http://www-969.ibm.com/software/reports/compatibility/clarity-reports/report/html/prereqsForProduct?deliverableId=1267644462529#!)
You really do need to update the drivers, though, and maybe that has confused them or something.
As to whether a particular version will work, it depends on what version you told Cognos you were using, driver being used, the overall design of the schema and your model of it, what sort of reports you ran, etc. There are a lot of variables. When IBM says it is not supported, that does not mean it cannot work. But you may run into problems, and they will not help you unless you are on a supported version.