After Installing Cognos 11, i dont see Analysis Studio and Query Studio under Other menu.
I have done Custom Install yet i dont see these legacy studios
I have read on internet that you have to enable portman for chrome something like that but its not working for me
Is there a simpler way to make these studios appear?
Do they appear if you use IE?
In 10.2.2 they don't appear if I use Chrome but do appear for IE, not looked in 11 yet.
Quote from: dwsupport1 on 17 Feb 2016 12:46:59 PM
After Installing Cognos 11, i dont see Analysis Studio and Query Studio under Other menu.
I have done Custom Install yet i dont see these legacy studios
I have read on internet that you have to enable portman for chrome something like that but its not working for me
Is there a simpler way to make these studios appear?
If you run a Custom install, this enables the "Legacy switch", and you get the legacy studios available for use. Are you looking in the correct place?
In the new portal, you should see four options if you click on the New link in the left pane. The fourth one is "Other". If you don't do a custom install, you only get three options (Report, Dashboard and Data Module) but the Legacy switch provides the fourth option - Other. If you then click on Other you should see the studios you are looking for.
Legacy studios can also be enabled afterwards (never tried this myself):
A fresh install might be easier... IBM says: "Changing the legacy switch after install is hard by desig"
Quote from: prikala on 18 Feb 2016 04:34:25 AM
Legacy studios can also be enabled afterwards (never tried this myself):
A fresh install might be easier... IBM says: "Changing the legacy switch after install is hard by desig"
Yep - it's really (really) tricky to enable the legacy switch after-the-fact. Easier to uninstall and use the Custom option, in my humble opinion :)
Well, to be fair, it's a convoluted process, but a lot shorter than a reinstall. You download a plug in, turn it on, paste a URL and a JSON statement in and Bob's your uncle. Takes about 10 minutes including a coffee break.
Hi all,
I did a custom install of CA 11.0 and there is no NEW->OTHER component for me either
Did we do miss something?
Custom install requires you to turn on the legacy stuff manually.
The easiest way to fix this is to go to the following folder on Content Managers, and Dispatchers ( I think it's just the Dispatchers that need it, but I did both)
<Install DIR>\configuration\metadata
take a backup of metadata_config.xml
Edit metadata_config.xml
change the following line
<parameter name="LegacyLaunchable" type="int" label="Define what Cognos legacy UI can be launch" default="0"/>
<parameter name="LegacyLaunchable" type="int" label="Define what Cognos legacy UI can be launch" default="1"/>
Shutdown and restart
Ps. the Zookeeper needs shooting too !
Did it work?
I do not get to see the legacy components when I click on New, not even 'Other' in that list after 'Report', 'Dashboard', and 'Data Module'.
I installed version 11.0.3 and chose 'First Install' under Installation type. There were only two - First Install & Connect and install.
The in <install-dir>\analytics\configuration has the Configuration.LegacyLaunchable value as 1. I didn't need to change it as it's mentioned in below technote.
I still do not see the studios in New > Other. Am I missing anything?
After reading this post, I also made change mentioned to be made in "metadata_config.xml" present in "/configuration/metadata" within Cognos directory in all CM and dispatchers running servers followed by cognos services restart. But I still have the same issue even after clearing up the cache of the chrome browser.
Any prompt response will be highly appreciated.
I am experiencing the same issue. If anyone minds to revisit this issue, it would be greatly appreciated.
Quote from: jekeith on 20 Aug 2018 11:21:47 AM
I am experiencing the same issue. If anyone minds to revisit this issue, it would be greatly appreciated.
Three questions:
1. Did you do a custom install of CA?
2. If not, have you enabled the legacy switch as detailed in the link Cognosjon posted above?
3. What browser and version are you using?
Are there any other menu options missing? For example if you click on the little person icon towards the top right do you see all options that should be in there? i.e. My schedules and subscriptions, My prefereces, Log my session, My inbox, My watch items, Sign out?
Just Installed CA and even in this version the legacy studios are avalable.
- Check the option on your server ../configuration -> Configuration.LegacyLaunchable must be 1
- Chroom only shows: Drill-Trought Definitions / Workspace like IBM tells
- IE shows: Analysis Studio / Drill-Trought Definitions / Event Studio / Query Studio / Workspace
It's still there but why do you want to use the 'legacy' options?
There is a risc it will be out of support, don't you agree ?
I never tried the plugin steps from above because I don't want to ask this from our non-technical end-users.
Kind Regards