Has anyone any experience of this...I have tried sending pdfs to blackberrys/pdas but after reading the cognos docs it seems you need another server /software installed on the pda/blackberry.
If the PDA recognizes PDF properly, then it should be as simple as sending it to an email address. But the pain of reading it on such a smalll screen ... :-\
I too was wondering about developing reports for use on PDAs without buying Cognos Go Mobile.
Do I need to do anything to the reports in development that would make them viewable in PDAs/Blackberries. Do they view the same web link as if browsing on a PC?
Thanks in advance
The PDAs usually have a lower browser than the desktop, i.e. my Q has IE3 I believe, while my laptop runs IE7. With lower IE version, support for some HTML features is limited. However, if the report's HTML is simple enough, it just might work. PDF should work almost always.
Thanks for the info much appreciated
I scheduled a report to run and send via email ...The pda couldnt open the pdf, it just appeared as junk..Wondering if C8 does something to the PDF?
It all depends on the PDA. I used to have Pixel Browser on my Samsun i730 and it worked greate. I am not sure what the app name is on my Moto Q now, but it cna open PDFs too.