Having used PowerHouse and PH Web for over 10 year I think it is one of the BEST app dev tools around. And PH Web makes it even better. I can develop a robust app in PH Web in mucch less time than in Java or VB or .Net.
uber alles?
I believe it is Deutsch for "above/over all". :)
It is - only it spells with an "ü" or, on an English keyboard ;), with "ue".
Elisabeth (German and a PowerHouse-Junkie for more than 25 years now)
Fully Agreed! Now lets do a promotional image campaign. What would be the best place to start at? Hm, maybe inside Cognos...?
UberAlles sounds much better than ReportNet ;D
Short and succint (perhaps I should move this thread to 'Wishlist')
Welcome aboard guys - good to have a truly global membership.