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IBM Cognos 10 Platform => Cognos 10 BI => Cognos Administration => Topic started by: Ravisha on 31 Jan 2016 05:22:46 PM

Title: 10.1.0 Audit Database Setup issues
Post by: Ravisha on 31 Jan 2016 05:22:46 PM

Recently I've ran into trouble/errors while setting up Audit database (for Cognos 10.1.0v) on my local machine. I've Cognos 32bit installed.

Before I started setting it up, I've installed Java SDK 1.5 for Windows 7 64bit. I've followed every step per documentation. Below are the steps which I've completed but got struck at step 6.

1. Created Folder structure per documentation.
2. Edited Web.xml file by adding servlet and servlet mapping per documentation.
3. Copied files (.bat and from Audit folder to the new folder structure.
4. since my installation is enabled for anonymous login,I haven't changed or edited anything in file
5. edited .bat file,  JAR_HOME to point Installed Location and CRN_HOME to point Congos installed location

JAR_HOME = C:\Program Files\Java\Java 1.5XX_XX_XX
CRN_HOME = C:\Program Files (x86)\ibm\cognos\c10

5. I wrote a "PAUSE" command at the very bottom of the script to check for any errors.
6. Upon running the script as an administrator, the resulting output was the error below

Javac: Error: cannot be read.

I'm not sure how to mitigate this issue. I've also tried installing Java SDK 32 bit (eventhough OS is 64bit), Java SDK 1.6v (both 32 and 64bit) etc,. But no luck.

When I've installed Java SDK 1.6 and upon running edited .bat file, the resulting output was the error below

Javac could not be located (eventhough the Java SDK installation direcoty has Javac in "bin" folder)
DSServelet cannot be read.

I would really appreciate it, if anyone of you could please guide me in this regard.

Title: Re: 10.1.0 Audit Database Setup issues
Post by: Ravisha on 03 Feb 2016 08:30:34 AM
Has any one come across this kind of issue ?  :o