Anyone know where the setting is to tell the portlet what report to display in Websphere? I've logged into Websphere Admin portal and gone to "Portlet Management > Web Modules" and selected the portlet but the only config options are the Gateway URL, the Webcontent URL and the WSRP WSDL URL. There's nothing there that says "go to this location and display this report".
Any idea where I can find this setting, if it even exists? I've trawled the web and searched through IBM docs but nothing. Help!
You would set the properties on the portal page where you want the portlet to appear. You have to edit the page, I think WebSphere calls it "layout mode" or something.
Sorry I am a bit vague, I have not seen the websphere portlets for several years now. I just remember they were very similar to the SharePoint web parts I have used quite a bit, and the process was very similar.
Hi bdbits,
I had a look around and found what I believe to be the place. It's under "Manage Pages" and you click on the page link in question, then go to the edit icon on the right. This gives you the layout page and you can select a down arrow next to the "IBM Cognos Viewer" entry and select "Configure". Sadly, the user account I'm using doesn't seem to have sufficient levels of access as I keep getting a message relating to the user account being invalid. Ho hum.
Found it. It was in the place I said earlier, I was just using an incorrect account. I used one with the right access and was able to change the report path for the portlet.
Still getting permissions issues regarding viewing the report via the Portal though....
Are the errors from Websphere or being passed back from Cognos? What is the message?
It's coming back from Cognos and it states the user has "insufficient permissions" to run the report. The same user is able to run it when logging in through Cognos Connection instead of Websphere Portal.