I'm looking to create a dashboard which would include either appointments or unread email headers in a report. Does Cognos have the ability to access an Exchange server?
Access Exchange directly? No. The list of supported data sources can be found here: http://www-01.ibm.com/support/docview.wss?uid=swg27042164 (use the Software link for your relevant version)
You'd have to have some external process that can retrieve the data from Exchange and then write into a SQL table, Excel file, CSV file, etc. Then Cognos can report off that
Or just food for thought, you could conversely embed Cognos content into a web page that also pulled info from Exchange, perhaps via OWA.
Quote from: bdbits on 22 Jan 2016 11:27:41 AM
Or just food for thought, you could conversely embed Cognos content into a web page that also pulled info from Exchange, perhaps via OWA.
I know you used to be able to customize a home or landing page in Outlook desktop application. Not sure if you could add a Browser Element to that with Cognos Content (dashboard) but a good idea to try. Thanks!