Hi All,
I have recently joined a as cognos/tm admin so have limited knowledge about tm1. I had worked as cognos admin earlier.
Now issue is,
Most of times because of not enough space on the disk our TM1 server gets down.
As imemdiate fix,we delete log files and old log files..and then restart the services..this takes around 2-3 hours...
Can someone suggest/advice as a best practice what we should do so that we can avoid this.
Thanks in advance!
Hi All,
Any suggestions on this.
I don't have the details handy, but you can limit the number of log files to save having to delete them. Of course you run the risk of deleting logs you need for problem solving.
How much space are we talking about? Is expanding storage not an option?
Quote from: nsaxena on 07 Jan 2016 06:02:21 AM
..this takes around 2-3 hours...
Make sure you look into
Persistent Feeders, we had cut down our start-up from 170 minutes down to 5 minutes.
http://www-01.ibm.com/support/knowledgecenter/SS9RXT_10.2.2/com.ibm.swg.ba.cognos.tm1_op.10.2.2.doc/c_persistentfeeders_nb309.html%23PersistentFeeders_NB309 (http://www-01.ibm.com/support/knowledgecenter/SS9RXT_10.2.2/com.ibm.swg.ba.cognos.tm1_op.10.2.2.doc/c_persistentfeeders_nb309.html%23PersistentFeeders_NB309)
If you are short of disk space you so do not want to enable persistent feeders as they write large .feeders files to the server directory.