Hello, I have multiple reports nested under one main job. Normally, the main job runs on a scheduled basis. But on the off chance that I want to re-run a single report from that job in the Schedules screen, is there any way for me to go into the job and pick and choose which entry I want to run one time?
This is an intuitive feature that I think most job schedulers should support.
You can get path of desired report(which u want to run) included in job through Job properties. Click on job properties option then "Job" tab, now you will have list of reports in job. Here there will be one check box for each report at extreme left side, after this check box you will find a symbol like /.../ (in cognos 10.2.1) if you take mouse cursor on this symbol, it will show the report path.
That symbol might be different in older version, I don't remember but it might be like "--> "
I don't see any option to run an individual report through Job definition.