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IBM Cognos 10 Platform => Cognos 10 BI => Cognos Administration => Topic started by: rahulrepro on 28 Dec 2015 12:50:17 AM

Title: Cognos report url for multiple language support
Post by: rahulrepro on 28 Dec 2015 12:50:17 AM
Product : IBM Cognos
Version   : 10.1.1
OS      : Windows
Browser   : IE/Chrome

Description : Cognos report working correctly for multiple language when it open from cognos home page ( URL: http://localhost:91/ibmcognos/cgi-bin/cognos_module) with help of Run with options. Client requirement is to open the cognos report from different application with help of direct url expose and multiple language support also available (English and Spanish only). Cognos report url exposed at customized client application. Now the report is working and opening from client application.
But multiple language support not working. The current exposed cognos report url showing report in default language(English).

1. Is it possible to expose cognos report url with language information (English or Spanish)?. If user clicked on report url then report will be open as per user preferred language(Either English or Spanish). User preferred language option available in client application.

2. Is it possible to get the url of "Run With Options" button available at cognos home page. In that case user can select the preferred language and run the report.

Please advise.

best regards
Rahul Ghosh
Title: Re: Cognos report url for multiple language support
Post by: sunosoft on 28 Dec 2015 01:36:27 AM
what do you mean by direct report URL here ? is that something like below ?

&ui.object=/content/package[@name='GO Sales and Retailers']/folder[@name='Report Studio
Report Samples']/report[@name='Banded Report']

I don't think setting any language in your client application will help. If your client wants the default output to be in Spanish, you have to set the default language for that particular user in Cognos. This can be set by user himself through preferences option in cognos homepage or administrator can also set for particular use.
Title: Re: Cognos report url for multiple language support
Post by: rahulrepro on 28 Dec 2015 10:58:55 PM
Thanks for solution. Will try it.