How to add some tooltips, pop-up, button...at visualization, so that I can explain what I have on visualization, what I use, and some things like that in text format, that does not use any data item or calculation from data model, just plain text.
I have found solution with help of those Cognos samples. Code is in attachment, it just need to use 2 html items before or after object that you want to explain. It shows red cube and when you are on it with mouse you can see explanation.
Now I want instead of that red cube to put some picture. How to do that, because I am not so familiar with coding.
Hi b737,
I updated the script you attached. The line <font size="4.2em"><font style="Bold">■</font></font> is the one that creates the red box. You need to use <img> tag of html to put some picture.
http://www.w3schools.com/tags/tag_img.asp (http://www.w3schools.com/tags/tag_img.asp)
I added a link to give you an idea of how to use <img> tag. Hope it helps.
Tori :)
Thank you very much for your help. It works great
Thanks for letting me know. Glad I could help. :D