Sorry if this sounds crazy but we need to do some import exporting done between two environments (Live / Dev) will it cause conflict if we create a shared location and use it as a deployment folder between the Dev / Live environment. If anyone has any other ideas please share.
That's not crazy and should work just fine.
Thanks for the clarification, I will give it a go now and report back the results.
@ Yizi
I was involved in a recent discussion on this very topic:,119.0.html (,119.0.html)
You'll find a bit more detail in the earlier exchange, but the conclusion was the same - there's no reason not to do it, if it suits your environment and deployment strategy.
You just need to properly name your deployment archives.
Its better to create 2 separate directories for deployment for prod and dev to avoid confusion. However if you to use a same deployment directory ,use proper naming conventions.
If your deploying in 2 different versions then it might cause a problem. Otherwise it won't be.