We are trying to create and update our client dimension with a TI process but we are getting some unexpected results. LEt me first explain how we would like the hierarchy with alternates as wel
We would like to have 2 ultimate hierarchies. 1 called Total Client and the other called Total Unit. Under Total Client we would have all our parent client codes and under Total Unit we would have all our business units. See example below
Total Client
--> 90000000
--> 100
--> 200
Total Unit
--> 1200
--> 100
--> 200
Attached is a copy of a CSV file we are using to build a TI process to set each of the consolidation and element levels, but after this process runs, we see all the elements appear and not just the 2 hierarchies as listed above.
Any insight on how to set this up so we could use it to maintain our client listing
Be sure that when you insert the elements, you use the DimensionElementComponentAdd function and specify the consolidation to which each element should be added.