Hi all,
My CEO asked me for a report which will show the security deployed on the folders of our portal...
I've searched for these informations in the content store without success... :(
I need your help ! Is there someone who could say how and where I can retrieve these datas ?
Thanks for your help !
You need to create a report that shows permissions for every folder? There is some information here if you want to do yourself: http://businessintelligence.ittoolbox.com/groups/technical-functional/cognos-l/how-to-get-how-many-users-are-having-permission-to-the-reports-from-content-store-5401408
It does not appear to be complete but may get you started.
Motio also has a tool that can help: http://info.motio.com/Blog/bid/103917/How-to-Find-Permissions-on-Folders-Packages-etc-in-Cognos
Edit: looks like the Audit Extension package may also help: http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/data/library/cognos/development/utilities/page574.html?ca=drs-
Thanks for yor response MCC, thats will be a good beginning for my reflection on this report !!
Metamanager has a module called security auditor that audits the entire content store and produces the exact report that your looking for. There's a demonstration of how we accomplish this here : http://www.bspsoftware.com/sorting-ibm-cognos-security-using-metamanager/
And you can download metamanager for free and try it for yourself here:
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Thanks Andrew !! I will try Metamanager today !