I´m using Cognos Planning since 1998 and Analyst has evolved much less than contributor.
Now Analyst need to reborn implementing the following features :
Structural Changes
1. Cube formulas instead of only d-list formulas:
With this functionality its possible to create formulas that apply only on a set of cells,
not entire cube, avoiding a lot of internal links and conditional formulas.
2. Alternative hierarchy on d-lists: In several cases, we need to create many d-lists that
represents the same information, because some Dimensions have different ways of aggregation,
just like in BI with powercubes. creating d-lists duplication,creates a maintenance headache.
3. D-Lists Attributes: with this, it´s possible to maintain a series of information that could
be used for: Presentantion on d-cube, creating Elist for contributor, Virtual Dimension.
Example On a Account D-List the item name is account code, but the account name is stored on
an attribute column, and the account code+name could be stored on another attribute column,
just like identation level on another attribute column. In D-cube, user can choose to see
account code, account name, account code+name. This attributes could be used for filtering,
sorting, reselection, just like the d-list itemname.
4. D-Lists Saved-Selections: A cube could use a D-List saved-selection (similar to contributor saved-selections),
that is only a piece D-List, its different then creating a new d-list based on the content
of another d-list because the saved-selection doesn´t need a macro command to update each saved-selection,
when the base D-List is updated, all saved-selections are updated too.
5. API to handle Analyst objects: On very large models with thousands of objects, using the user interface is
too time expensive and annoying. Look how wonderful it could be creating, editing, running d-lists, d-cubes, D-links
using a programming language like vbscript or VB for Applications.
6. Cube Cell Validation: This function was implemented in contributor 8.2 but not in analyst.
Its similar to TestData macro command, but its defined inside the D-Cube not in a macro,
consequently the validation occur when users enter data and save the d-cube.
7. Cube Cell Trigger: While user is entering data on Analyst D-Cube, a macro could be fired
when a certain condition was reached.
8. D-Link Trace: When many D-Links target the same D-Cube, it´s very hard to identify
which D-link update a certain group of Cells. With this function, it´s possible to identify
if the cell is target only one or more d-links, or is for data entry only.
9. Automatic protection of cells targeted by D-links or calculation: (contributor implements this behavior)
When developing a data-entry cube, to avoid users updated of cells target by d-link or
even calculation.
It´s possible to create a macro to apply a lock/protect command, but its time consuming.
A simple check box is more easy.
Cube Visualization Enhancement
8. Nested view of D-List in D-Cube (just like Manager Table View): The Manager interface
is ideal for presentation and reporting, not for data-entry, principally when handling a
a large cube with large rows and columns. Navigate on a D-Cube Table View in Manager is very
9. Hierarchical View: Useful when navigating on a D-Cube with large hierarchy,
without using "reselect view".
FlowChart Design in Manager
10. Use of Copy and Paste for Text Box Objects.
11. WYSIWYG for table printing or Print Preview.
5 years have past since this post and nothing changed in Cognos Planning Analyst. When saw the announcement of TM1 as new aquisition, felt that cognos planning golden era have ended.
5 years have past since Applix TM1 aquisition, and customers still love Cognos Planning Analyst/Contributor.
Many Cognos Planning Customers resist to change to a TM1. They need to rebuild any model they created. TM1 is powerfull indeed, but not that easy to play with it. Dealing with "feeders" to fine tune performance calculations, seems to be rocket science to non IT pro with no programming skills.
Others that pushed Cognos Planning beyond the limits, are considering move away to another platform. SAP BPC, Anaplan, Adaptive Planning, and Sysphera (a Brazilian product) are some options here in Brazil.
At this point I'm upgrading a customer environment from planning 8.4.1 to planning 10.1. What changed ? nothing significant to the users, just a required upgrade to be compliant with support policy. Cognos 8.4.1 support will be deprecated this year.
Until when IBM will keep cognos planning in the roadmap ?
These are the thoughts of a Cognos planning consultant with more than 10 years experience.....
10.1 changes are all on the admin/job side. Better job throughput, auto retry of failed nodes, improved client performance, etc. I had one client that dropped an 18 hour cycle to 6 hours.
Otherwise, it's all as you said.
The direction IBM seem to be taking is to include all the nice features from EP into TM1. I'd be surprised if any new functionality gets added in to EP.
Quote from: incognito on 28 Apr 2013 12:19:14 PM
Others that pushed Cognos Planning beyond the limits, are considering move away to another platform. SAP BPC, Anaplan, Adaptive Planning, and Sysphera (a Brazilian product) are some options here in Brazil.
If you or someone else wants some information about Sysphera i can help.