Hi All,
I am working on a Cognos 10.1.1 Active Reports Dashboard. The users asked me to put a World Map as Welcome Page and should show Percentage Values for different Countries.
I know with the current deck we can add one more card to put a Welcome page and embed World Map with an Image Icon.
My question: How to show percentage values for different countries in the world map..
Please advise
Hi All,
Just Rephrasing the question
I have got a requirement to add the Welcome Page with World Map that should show the Percentages for different Regions like Oceania, North Asia, SE Asia, Middle East, N&S America, Europe, Africa.
This map will provide a summary of results to the executive.
Can anyone advise how to link my calculations to the above mentioned regions in the World Map and How to achieve it in Copgnos 10.1.1 Active Reports
Hi All,
I am able to drag MAP object in Cognos 10.1.1 Active Report - Welcome Page and dragged Measure and Region Data item.
In the Region Data Item I have 7 Regions --> Oceania, North Asia, South Asia, Middle East & SE Asia, N&S America, Europe, Africa.
Initially it threw an error because World Map imported via IBM MAP Manager has got only cities, Capitals and Oceans.. Later I have added the Alias names closer to the Region Data item to the Dictionary Attribute under General in MAP properties.
Its working now showing the percentage values highlighting the area given in the Alias, but I would like to show the Percentage values highlighting the whole region.
Is it possible? Please let me know