have the following situation
1) have a jobstream that users will execute remotely
2) on the decision stream server the only email client installed is
outlook express
3) outlook express has been configured and will send the email when
you execute the jobstream from the server
4) if executing it remotely we receive the error message
"MAPISendMail failed with error 2"
the Cognos DecisionStream Network Services Socket Server (cer3) has been configured correctly
we do have a ticket opened with cognos support for this but thought I would ask the community here if anyone has had any luck using outlook express to send an email from a jobstream that has been executed remotely.
This sounds like it may be an issue with privileges. One question - if you try to run the jobstream from a command prompt on the DecisionStream server (rather than from within the designer), do you get the same error?
Maybe you could try reconfiguring the Cognos DecisionStream Network Services Socket Server so that it logs in under your ID (or another valid domain account) - does this help?
actually we do get the same error when running the jobstream from the command prompt and the account that the Services Socket Server is logging in is an administrator account.
Does the admin account you are using for the service have an email profile? Also, does it match the profile you entered into the email node in the jobstream?
Unfortunately, with outlook express you don't really get the email profile. The funny thing is that it works when the jobstream is initiated directly - just fails when executing it remotely.
What I mean by this is that an email node has a 'Profile' and a 'Password' which need to be filled in if you want the node to be able to run in a non-interactive environment (ie anywhere other than fired off from within the designer). Can you check that these correspond to the user your service logs in as?
they do correspond. Just actually got a final response from cognos support site. They were not able to get it to work either - outlook express when executed remotely. He opened a ticket with devleopment group to look at it.
OK - thanks for the update. If you come up with a solution, please let us know...
Best regards,