So, I inherited this Cognos box, which had a number of issues to it.
While looking for something random yesterday, I noticed that Cognos exists both in the 32 and 64 bit branches of program files.
I also noticed that files are being updated in both.
As for the files themselves, I the Configuration Manager and Framework Manager that I use are both x86 (32 bit). But I see in the menu both cognos 10 32 bit and cognos 10 64 bit. Though the 64 bit is only the Configuration Manager.
Is this because of an upgrade? Or is something not kosher here?
And what should I do about this??
Too many times 32 ..64 ;)
Below is my guess on your case.
It looks like you got Cognos framework manager as well Cognos server install on the same server.
As Cognos framework manager is 32-bit install you are finding Cognos files under Program files and there might be the case like your Cognos server is 64-install and those files had been placed unnder Program Files(x86)
Quote from: erics on 20 Oct 2015 01:14:20 PM
So, I inherited this Cognos box, which had a number of issues to it.
While looking for something random yesterday, I noticed that Cognos exists both in the 32 and 64 bit branches of program files.
I also noticed that files are being updated in both.
As for the files themselves, I the Configuration Manager and Framework Manager that I use are both x86 (32 bit). But I see in the menu both cognos 10 32 bit and cognos 10 64 bit. Though the 64 bit is only the Configuration Manager.
Is this because of an upgrade? Or is something not kosher here?
And what should I do about this??
This is most likely perfectly normal. Your main Cognos server install is in the 64-bit Program Files folder (Program Files). It has a Cognos Configuration utlilty in the Start menu (usually under IBM Cognos 10 - 64) to allow you to configure it, and often you will also find Dynamic Query Analyzer lives here too. If you have installs of the client (modeling) tools on the same server, these are all 32-bit, and they install into Program Files (x86). They have a separate configuration utility that allows you to point them at your 64-bit Cognos server instance. You will find this, plus shortcuts to launch each tool you have in the Start menu under IBM Cognos 10.
If you are using the Cognos Configuration utility within Program Files (x86) then you are configuring just the client tools in the 32-bit instance. If you want to configure your main server instance, the Cognos Configuration utility for this is in Program Files.
I'm making some assumptions here, of course - we don't know your specific configuration choices. It is possible to have both 32 and 64 bit server instances and have them configured as part of a single architecture, but this is quite unusual. I used to see it occasionally before the Metrics Server component became 64-bit, but not for a long time now.
Ohh no.. I completely made it reverse.
My basic assumption about Program Files and Program Files(x86) itself was wrong :( ..... I just re-verified it.
@erics - Really Sorry for providing wrong info...
Hi All ,
I was following this post,first of all i love the way you guys explain our queries. Awesome !!
I had one query. I am upgrading my cognos version from 10.2.1 to 10.2.2 in new cloud server.
We had installed Cognos 10.2.2 BI server under Program Files path.(not x86).
Now we need to install FM. Which path should be choose for FM installation :
1) same path where cognos BI server is installed
2) different path ( Program Files (x86) one
and what will be the impact/or things in mind i need to keep while choosing one or the other.Thanks!
Quote from: nsaxena on 23 Oct 2015 02:26:31 AM
Hi All ,
I was following this post,first of all i love the way you guys explain our queries. Awesome !!
I had one query. I am upgrading my cognos version from 10.2.1 to 10.2.2 in new cloud server.
We had installed Cognos 10.2.2 BI server under Program Files path.(not x86).
Now we need to install FM. Which path should be choose for FM installation :
1) same path where cognos BI server is installed
2) different path ( Program Files (x86) one
and what will be the impact/or things in mind i need to keep while choosing one or the other.Thanks!
Very happy to hear you get value from the posts on Cognoise! :)
Installing the 64 bit server instance in Program Files (not Program Files (x86)) is the right thing to do. Program Files (x86) is usually where you find 32-bit applications installed.
Since FM (and Cube Designer etc) are all 32-bit applications, these should be installed in Program Files (x86). If you try to install them in Program Files in the same folder as the 64-bit Cognos server instance (ie Program Files\ibm\cognos\c10_64) you will get a lovely big error message from the installer telling you it's not allowed. You can't mix 32-bit and 64-bit components in the same install instance folder.
So - my advice is to leave the install paths as the defaults. By default the 64-bit server components will install into Program Files\ibm\cognos\c10_64 and the 32-bit client components will install into Program Files (x86)\ibm\cognos\c10