my requirment is i have a parent under that childs has to display, fot that childs what are the products has to display & for products values has to display.AT THE TOP OF THE PARENT, FOR EACH PRODUCTS NAME ANDTHE VALUES HAS TO BE SUM UP & DISPLAY
Option 1: 1
votes: 0
Option 2: 2
votes: 0
hi all,
my requirment is i have a parent under that childs has to display, fot that childs what are the products has to display & for products values has to display.AT THE TOP OF THE PARENT, FOR EACH PRODUCTS NAME ANDTHE VALUES HAS TO BE SUM UP & DISPLAY
(at the top of parent ,childs products name & sum has to be display that abc=30(i,e 10+10+10), def=15(i,e 5+5+5), ghi=60(i,e 20+20+20)
abc(i,e product name)=30(i,e 10+10+10), def(i,e product name)=15(i,e 5+5+5), ghi(i,e product name)=60(i,e 20+20+20)
Delhi-(child) abc-( i,e Childs PRODUCT) 10(Values of product)
def 5
ghi 20
Chennai - (Child) abc-(products) 10
def 5
ghi 20
goa- (child) abc-(products) 10
def 5
ghi 20
plz... see above the parent(INDIA) abc=30(i,e 10+10+10), def=15(i,e 5+5+5), ghi=60(i,e 20+20+20)
Thanks in advance