Hi all,
I am using cognos 10.2.2 and data base is oracle 11g. Cognos is installed in my local machine and
oracle was installed in other machine. I copied the ojdbc.jar file in both ibm\cognos\c10\v5dataserver\lib and \ibm\cognos\c10\webapps\p2pd\WEB-INF\lib dirs.
At the time of data source connection i am getting '' QE-DEF-0285 The logon failed." error.
kindly find Detail error description in attachment.
please advise me how to rectify the error.
Thanks in advance,
Quote from: sekhar1988 on 19 Oct 2015 06:39:19 AM
Hi all,
I am using cognos 10.2.2 and data base is oracle 11g. Cognos is installed in my local machine and
oracle was installed in other machine. I copied the ojdbc.jar file in both ibm\cognos\c10\v5dataserver\lib and \ibm\cognos\c10\webapps\p2pd\WEB-INF\lib dirs.
At the time of data source connection i am getting '' QE-DEF-0285 The logon failed." error.
kindly find Detail error description in attachment.
please advise me how to rectify the error.
Thanks in advance,
You mention copying in the Oracle jar file, to support access via JDBC, but the error you posted appears to be when trying to define access via the Oracle client libraries, not JDBC. How is your data source defined in Cognos?
Thanks for the replay,
In cognos datasource connection i selected 'oracle' ,checked the 'configure jdbc connection' and gave 'SQL*Net connect string'
after that i given user id and password which i had created in oracle. then i given servername ,port and service id.
this is the process which i followed for the data source connection in cognos.
Quote from: sekhar1988 on 19 Oct 2015 10:03:42 AM
Thanks for the replay,
In cognos datasource connection i selected 'oracle' ,checked the 'configure jdbc connection' and gave 'SQL*Net connect string'
after that i given user id and password which i had created in oracle. then i given servername ,port and service id.
this is the process which i followed for the data source connection in cognos.
You don't need a SQL*Net Connect String - this is for CQM access via SQL*Net (the Oracle Native Client). All you should need on the first page is the user name and password, then on the second page you need the Server Name, Port Number and Oracle Service ID.
When you test, the "Compatible" test will fail (which is fine) but the "Dynamic" test should succeed. Is this what you see? If this fails, you generally see a message beginning "XQE..."
i tried as you mentioned below but now i am getting different error i.e " XQE-DS-0006 Unable to logon to the data source''
find details error description below.
Oracle (JDBC) / Dynamic Failed XQE-DS-0006 Unable to logon to the data source
Error message:
XQE-DS-0006 Unable to logon to the data source
Listener refused the connection with the following error:
ORA-12514 TNS:listener does not currently know of service
requested in connect descriptor
Listener refused the connection with the following error:
ORA-12514 TNS:listener does not currently know of service
requested in connect descriptor
Quote from: sekhar1988 on 20 Oct 2015 12:33:37 AM
i tried as you mentioned below but now i am getting different error i.e " XQE-DS-0006 Unable to logon to the data source''
find details error description below.
Oracle (JDBC) / Dynamic Failed XQE-DS-0006 Unable to logon to the data source
Error message:
XQE-DS-0006 Unable to logon to the data source
Listener refused the connection with the following error:
ORA-12514 TNS:listener does not currently know of service
requested in connect descriptor
Listener refused the connection with the following error:
ORA-12514 TNS:listener does not currently know of service
requested in connect descriptor
Ok - so you're now getting an ORA-12514 error from Oracle. You need to debug this. Take a look at the following Oracle page:
i Hope you didn't forgot to configiure your TNS Names.
then do tnsping to check your configuration.
Hi all,
sorry for the late reply,
I check the Tnsping it is working fine.i am getting below
TNS Ping Utility for 32-bit Windows: Version - Production on 30-OCT-2
015 16:02:37
Copyright (c) 1997, 2010, Oracle. All rights reserved.
Used parameter files:
Used EZCONNECT adapter to resolve the alias
OK (0 msec)
Hi Shekar,
I think you are trying to create data-source connection, and it getting failed.
So I Strong suggest to install oracle client on cognos server.
please do it this way you will be succeeded .