We have a single server installation of IBM Cognos 10.2.2 on RedHat Linux with IBM Netezza as data source. The IBM Cognos Configuration is all set successfully and there are no errors seen whatsoever while starting or stopping the IBM Cognos services. However, the Cognos Portal and all Cognos services hang periodically and either we have to wait for 20-30 minutes for it to come back or we restart the services to get the services back again.
We have enough RAM and Processor cores while I have also checked there is no port conflict.
Really need to get over this sleeping state of Cognos before we move to production. Experts please comment...
Quote from: aamirsayeed on 05 Oct 2015 02:09:14 AM
We have a single server installation of IBM Cognos 10.2.2 on RedHat Linux with IBM Netezza as data source. The IBM Cognos Configuration is all set successfully and there are no errors seen whatsoever while starting or stopping the IBM Cognos services. However, the Cognos Portal and all Cognos services hang periodically and either we have to wait for 20-30 minutes for it to come back or we restart the services to get the services back again.
We have enough RAM and Processor cores while I have also checked there is no port conflict.
Really need to get over this sleeping state of Cognos before we move to production. Experts please comment...
What are you seeing in cogserver.log at the times the service hangs? Is anything being logged? Do any of the users get messages such as RSV-SRV-0040 or CCLOutOfMemoryError:0:Fatal: RSV-SRV-0042 Trace back: RSReportService.cpp?
It's impossible to be sure without seeing what cogserver.log is saying, but my gut feel here is that it's a resource issue. What is the maximum memory set at in your configuration? How much free space does the Temporary folder have?
Thanks for your post. Actually the problem is solved by following the resolution on the below link:
I changed the MaxPermSize parameter to 512m in bootstrap_linuxi38664.xml file located at [cognos_install]/bin64 directory