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IBM Cognos 8 Platform => COGNOS 8 => COGNOS Connection => Topic started by: kevkata on 19 Sep 2007 10:43:32 AM

Title: Publish XLS to Cognos Connection via Go! Office Automation Scripts
Post by: kevkata on 19 Sep 2007 10:43:32 AM
Has anyone successfully published an XLS via Cognos Go! Office automation scripts? Basically a .bat file executes a vbs script which reads a text file with a list of xls files that I want to publish to Cognos Connection.  I've hardcoded the userid, password and namespace in a logon script within the vbs.  When this routine runs it fails to login.  Attached are samples of the .bat and .vbs script.  The logon routine is called LogonToCOC. 

The only line in the .bat file is
cocAutoScriptSample.vbs -wbl list.txt -coe 0 -log c:\AutoLogFile.txt -fp "CAMID('Carhartt:u:77db614576f3f442b79281393b6bcc8d')/folder[@name='My Folders']/document[@name='Excel.xls']"

List.txt contains the name of the path and name of the spreadsheet.

The log file errors are:
9/19/2007   10:57:52 AM   Batch                   Started      ,,Running cocAutoScript.vbs
9/19/2007   10:57:52 AM   StartExcel         Success      ,,Excel Started successfully.
9/19/2007   10:57:52 AM   OpenFile           Success      ,list.txt,Successfully opened the workbook list file.
9/19/2007   10:57:57 AM   OpenWorkbook       Success      ,C:\Path\Excel.xls,Successfully opened the workbook.
9/19/2007   10:57:57 AM   Logon                   Warning      ,C:\Path\Excel.xls,KT Executing LogonTOC 'Logon'. ()
9/19/2007   10:58:00 AM   Logon                   Failed      ,C:\Path\Excel.xls,KT LogonTOC Failed 'Logon'. (Variable is undefined)
9/19/2007   10:58:00 AM   PublishWorkbook(s)   Failed      ,C:\Path\Excel.xls,Failed to Publish the Workbook(s).