Hi mates,
i need to install a Cognos BI Fixpac (10.2.1 FP4) on my local client FM installation..how can i do this? I already have downloaded and unzipped the file, but by starting the issetup.exe the wizard looks like a BI Server Installation...is there a FP just for FM Clients?
thx & regards :P
I know, right? The same fix pack installer is used for both. You might need a 32-bit versus 64-bit installer, though. In any case, it will search for which product you have installed and adjust itself accordingly.
Hi bdbits,
thx and applaud...i gonne try this tomorrow :P
Quote from: bdbits on 02 Sep 2015 03:43:09 PM
I know, right? The same fix pack installer is used for both. You might need a 32-bit versus 64-bit installer, though. In any case, it will search for which product you have installed and adjust itself accordingly.
Yep. The only distinction is 32 vs 64 bit. If you install a 32-bit Windows BI server instance then install FM on the same server, FM gets installed in the same folder structure as the BI server components, and it all gets patched by one 32-bit fix pack. IBM don't distinguish between any of the installed components. The fix pack will work for any/all installed combinations of Framework Manager/Cube Designer/Transformer/PowerPlay Client/Metric Designer/BI Server (32-bit)/Metrics Server (32-bit)/PowerPlay Server (32-bit)/Data Manager (32-bit)/Samples (32-bit)/SDK (32-bit)/DQA (32-bit). These would all install in the same folder structure.
Hi Muppet, ty for the Details on this. ;D