I'm getting error 405 when trying to browse my images in Report Studio.
I'm already configured WEBDav (added a rule), folder images has the read and List Folder contents permission to the IIS_IUSRS, Directory Browsing is Enabled. I'm able to list the image files when accessing the URL directly (http://<servername>/ibmcognos/samples/images/).
But when trying to browse the images in Report Studio, i get the 405 error.
Any idea why?
Thanks in advance, Carlos
Did you try using URL with full domain name ? Like http://servername.domain_name.com/.......
yes I did! same error...
What rule did you add on WebDAV?
Hi! Thanks for your answer. It worked changing the following configurations:
1) Changing permission of the folder "C:\Program Files\ibm\cognos\c10_64\webcontent\samples\images" to Read and List Folder Contents to the user Everyone
2) Enabling WebDAV Authoring Rules at Default Web Site in IIS
3) Adding the following rule at WebDAV Authoring Rules in folder "\ibmcognos\samples\images": Allow Access To All Contents, Allow Access to this Content to All Users and Permissions Read
4) Enabling Windows Authentication in Default Web Site
Thanks, Carlos