Hi Guru,
I am using Cognos 10.2.2, where LDAP is set. I have created a portal page, I wanted to set this particular portal page as default home page for all the users, who loggs in into Cognos connection.
Can some one please let me know the steps!!!
Your help is much appreciated :)
Thanks & Regards,
I do not believe there is a built-in way to do this for existing users. But you could write a program to do it (using the SDK).
i have a default landing page created for all users and it is set as there default view when assigning a new user to cognos.
all users require access to differnt dashboard tabs and access and in user profiles when assigning access i assign the default page and set it as default
You should use "Pagelet blaster" module from Metamanager, it will do that work for you.