hi all,
I am struggling to connect sybase 12.5 with cognos 10.2.2.
I am unable to create a data source using the CT-lib.
Could anyone mention the steps or guide me to the resource of successfully creating the data source.
I have the following restriction
Data source using ODBC cannot be used
Anyone else facing a similar problem and can suggest a solution?
Thanks in advance
Quote from: napster_gr8 on 26 Aug 2015 06:08:13 AM
hi all,
I am struggling to connect sybase 12.5 with cognos 10.2.2.
I am unable to create a data source using the CT-lib.
Could anyone mention the steps or guide me to the resource of successfully creating the data source.
I have the following restriction
Data source using ODBC cannot be used
Anyone else facing a similar problem and can suggest a solution?
Thanks in advance
Looking at the Supported Environments page, Cognos 10.2.2 will connect to Sybase 15.5, 15.7 and 16.0.
I have to go right back to Cognos 8.4.1 to find a version old enough to have support for Sybase 12.5. As far as I can see, no versions of Cognos 10 have Sybase 12.5 listed as being supported. I suspect you will need to move to a newer version of Sybase.
Totally missed that one.
my apologies for being naive, please clarify if i use ASE Client 15.7 to connect to ASE 12.5 would i be able to connect to ASE Client from Cognos.
Im not too sure if i will be able to connect ASE Client 15.7 to ASE 12.5
Further more, according to Installation instructions guide for Cognos 10.2.1, it talks about copying the Jconn3 jar file from Jconnect-6 folder to ibm cognos for sybase connectivity (which i did).
During my research i discovered Jconn3 file was available with ASE 12.5 while Jconn4 for ASE 15.7
Quote from: napster_gr8 on 26 Aug 2015 06:41:56 AM
Totally missed that one.
my apologies for being naive, please clarify if i use ASE Client 15.7 to connect to ASE 12.5 would i be able to connect to ASE Client from Cognos.
Im not too sure if i will be able to connect ASE Client 15.7 to ASE 12.5
Further more, according to Installation instructions guide for Cognos 10.2.1, it talks about copying the Jconn3 jar file from Jconnect-6 folder to ibm cognos for sybase connectivity (which i did).
During my research i discovered Jconn3 file was available with ASE 12.5 while Jconn4 for ASE 15.7
Never tried, but I assume Cognos 10.2.2 will communicate fine with the 15.7 client. The trick will be in making the 15.7 client talk to your Sybase 12.5 instance.
There's no mention of Sybase specifically in the 10.2.2 Dynamic Query Guide. The Installation and Configuration Guide has instructions for setting up connectivity to Sybase as a content store, but no mention of what to do to set up a reporting database connection - it simply says a Type 4 JDBC connection is required.
The Dynamic Query Guide is here: http://public.dhe.ibm.com/software/data/cognos/documentation/docs/en/10.2.2/dyn_query.pdf
and the Installation and Configuration Guide is here: http://public.dhe.ibm.com/software/data/cognos/documentation/docs/en/10.2.2/inst_cr_winux.pdf
no luck since.
Even if as per the documentation, cognos 10.2.2 doesn't support ASE 12.5, how come is it able to connect to it using an ODBC connection?
To me it seems im missing out the connection details to ASE 12.5 via cognos using the CT-Lib.
Anyone have information regarding CT-lib (IBM cognos data sources) to connect to Sybase or anyone whose used cognos with sybase is requested to share configuration that worked for him/her.
Quote from: napster_gr8 on 27 Aug 2015 01:29:55 AM
no luck since.
Even if as per the documentation, cognos 10.2.2 doesn't support ASE 12.5, how come is it able to connect to it using an ODBC connection?
To me it seems im missing out the connection details to ASE 12.5 via cognos using the CT-Lib.
Anyone have information regarding CT-lib (IBM cognos data sources) to connect to Sybase or anyone whose used cognos with sybase is requested to share configuration that worked for him/her.
When using ODBC, Cognos is communicating with the ODBC driver, which in turn communicates with the database. All Cognos needs in this instance is an ODBC driver that is compliant to the ODBC 3.5 standard (or above).
When using CT-lib, Cognos is connecting directly to the database client libraries, which are version-specific. We've already ascertained that Sybase 12.5 isn't a supported version for Cognos. Your only hope is to use a later CT-lib version and see if you can get it to connect to your database, but I guess you're then in uncharted waters as I doubt many will have taken this route. All I can suggest is that you check the usual culprit - eg make sure you are using the 32-bit CT-lib not 64-bit.
An alternative for you might be to connect via JDBC instead of CT-lib? In this case you will need the Sybase JDBC jar files for the Sybase JDBC copying to the <install location>\c10_64\webapps\p2pd\WEB-INF\lib folder and you will need to restart the IBM Cognos service.
Thank you for your response.
Already tried the jdbc connection for data source.
added the sybase4, jconn3, jconn4, and jtds-1.3.1 jar files to the said folder.
Ssing the JDBC Data source option, the only relevant type that cognos provides is SAP HANA, and SAP Sybase IQ (both of which do not apply to my case) (do let me know if im wrong)
using the Other Type Data source and using the JDBC connection string instead as follows (jdbc:sybase:Tds:hostname:port)
I get the error QFS-ERR-0138 The data source is not supported by any provider
Any comments?
Quote from: napster_gr8 on 27 Aug 2015 04:06:26 AM
Thank you for your response.
Already tried the jdbc connection for data source.
added the sybase4, jconn3, jconn4, and jtds-1.3.1 jar files to the said folder.
Ssing the JDBC Data source option, the only relevant type that cognos provides is SAP HANA, and SAP Sybase IQ (both of which do not apply to my case) (do let me know if im wrong)
using the Other Type Data source and using the JDBC connection string instead as follows (jdbc:sybase:Tds:hostname:port)
I get the error QFS-ERR-0138 The data source is not supported by any provider
Any comments?
I suspect you will need to use the JDBC connection type, pick a JDBC from a different database, then change the JDBC URL plus change the driver class name to the Sybase driver class. I'm guessing this would be com.sybase.jdbc4.jdbc.SybDriver but that's purely a guess on my part. Might be worth starting with the Sybase IQ option and amending this?
Worth a try, but I have no idea if it will work :)
Already performing trial and error on the screen provided :)
but failing with the following error: Unable to logon to the data source (at first it was: cannot find the provider)
Type: SAP Sybase IQ
URL: jdbc:sybase:Tds:<hostname>:<port>
Driver Class name: net.sourceforge.jtds.jdbc.Driver
added the jtds jar file (v1.3.1) to both the following locations;
I think im missing out something in the environment variables. Please share your valuable feedback
Quote from: napster_gr8 on 27 Aug 2015 07:03:19 AM
Already performing trial and error on the screen provided :)
but failing with the following error: Unable to logon to the data source (at first it was: cannot find the provider)
Type: SAP Sybase IQ
URL: jdbc:sybase:Tds:<hostname>:<port>
Driver Class name: net.sourceforge.jtds.jdbc.Driver
added the jtds jar file (v1.3.1) to both the following locations;
I think im missing out something in the environment variables. Please share your valuable feedback
You don't need the files in v5dataserver\lib. Sometimes having them there can mess things up.
If you're getting an "unable to logon" message it seems to indicate you are getting closer.
Make sure you have the "Password" option checked - it is not checked by default. Obviously you then need to enter a valid database username and password :)
Password option is checked, and Ive tried it again and again
That's the point where im going nuts, im able to connect to db via client using the same credentials, then why is cognos prompting for unsuccessful log on?
Anyone in similar situation?
Quote from: napster_gr8 on 27 Aug 2015 04:10:10 PM
Password option is checked, and Ive tried it again and again
That's the point where im going nuts, im able to connect to db via client using the same credentials, then why is cognos prompting for unsuccessful log on?
Anyone in similar situation?
Oh dear. Might just mean it's incompatible. Sigh. Sorry - this must be very frustrating!
Do you have an option to upgrade Sybase to a never version that Cognos supports? It might prove to be the best option in the long run.
Otherwise, looks like you might be stuck with ODBC...
Can we Connect Sybase ASE or Sybase IQ as Content Store?
We are trying both but getting error:
On Sybase ASE (16):
[ERROR] Content Manager failed to connect to the content store, The connection string is "jdbc:sybase:Tds:<IP:Port>/<db>?APPLICATIONNAME=IBM_c10_2_2_CM". The error encountered is :"JZ00L: Login failed. Examine the SQLWarnings chained to the exception for the reason(s)."
On Sybase IQ :
[ERROR] Unexpected dbms value 0
Quote from: shoman779 on 20 Mar 2017 06:38:06 AM
Can we Connect Sybase ASE or Sybase IQ as Content Store?
We are trying both but getting error:
On Sybase ASE (16):
[ERROR] Content Manager failed to connect to the content store, The connection string is "jdbc:sybase:Tds:<IP:Port>/<db>?APPLICATIONNAME=IBM_c10_2_2_CM". The error encountered is :"JZ00L: Login failed. Examine the SQLWarnings chained to the exception for the reason(s)."
On Sybase IQ :
[ERROR] Unexpected dbms value 0
Looks like Sybase ASE 15.0 and 15.5 are supported, but not Sybase ASE 16. Sybase IQ isn't supported at all as a content store.
hi all,
I'm having the same problem, my cognos is running 64bit (Report Server execution mode=64bit),
so I must create a datasource for jdbc connection and dynamic querymode.
I need create a datasource for connecting to sybase ase database 15.x from cognos 10.2 by jdbc.
I used SAP sybase IQ type to create datasource for sybase ase but getting a error following:
XQE-JDB-0017 "Adaptive Server Enterprise" version "Adaptive Server Enterprise" of the server at
"jdbc:sybase:Tds:server:4100/database?SQLINITSTRING=SET quoted_identifier ON" is defined as not supported with the "blacklist.serverName" propert
Please tell me what is my wrong?
ConnectionString: ^User ID:^?Password:;LOCAL;JDBC;URL=jdbc:sybase:Tds:server:4100/database?SQLINITSTRING=SET quoted_identifier ON;DRIVER_NAME=com.sybase.jdbc4.jdbc.SybDataSource;
Thank you very much
It might be as simple as removing that option from the connect string. But please note this could have side effects on existing packages and/or reports, so TEST THOROUGHLY.
ConnectionString: ^User ID:^?Password:;LOCAL;JDBC;URL=jdbc:sybase:Tds:server:4100/database?DRIVER_NAME=com.sybase.jdbc4.jdbc.SybDataSource;
Thanks for your reply.
Please tell me for detail for step by step.
I've installed a new cognos server and installed jconnect7 and copy jconn3, jconn4 to <install location>\c10_64\webapps\p2pd\WEB-INF\lib and restart service cognos.
but it still has a error.
please remember that, I want to connect to sybase ase by jdbc of cognos. but I only see SAP sybase IQ type when creating datasource by jdbc.
error message:
XQE-JDB-0017 "Adaptive Server Enterprise" version "Adaptive Server Enterprise" of the server at
"jdbc:sybase:Tds:server:4100/database?SQLINITSTRING=SET quoted_identifier ON" is defined as not supported with the "blacklist.serverName" property
Thank you for your fast,
I don't have your version of Sybase but I thought this might help with the issues being discussed.
For me I am on Cognos Analytics 11.0.9 and connect to Sybase 9 via ODBC. The issues people are having in this thread are due to the drivers you are using and not the Cognos product itself per se. Cognos provides drivers to connect to the most common databases but you can also use vendor drivers as well.
What I did was find the Sybase 9 drivers (32bit) online - they were actually very difficult to find and cannot be found anymore online. I installed these drivers on the Cognos Application Server and then created an ODBC connection using the Sybase 9 driver and save it as a System DSN entry. I did this in Windows by running ODBCAD32 in the SysWow64 folder which launches the 32 bit ODBC drivers version. Manually locate it as doing a search will always run the Win64 version which will not work.
In Cognos Administration console I create a data source connection and select the Type: ODBC and specify the data source name.
However, for those that want to use Dynamic Query mode you are at the mercy of your JDBC drivers and what they support. In my case I cannot use Dynamic Query Mode.
Also, for SQL Server versions less than SQL Server 2008 R2 because the Microsoft JDBC drivers do not support the earlier editions anymore.
You could try doing the same thing with your drivers.