I'm looking for a way to identify all unused objects (Public Folders/My Folders) in Cognos content store in order to remove them.
Objects should be data source, reports, folders, ....
Does anyone have technique/recommendation on how to do this ?
I was thinking about joining cogipf_action table from audit to content store table using object search path,
but if any (automated) other solutions exist, I'd be interested.
Avnet BSP MetaManager can help you automate cleaning up your Content Store. Here is a Knowledgebase article from BSP that focuses on cleaning up unused datasources in the environment: http://www.bspsoftware.com/kb/user-usage-report-of-packages-and-datasources/
To clean up unused reports, queries, or jobs, you can use Content Documenter in MetaManager to automatically create a list of of all the objects in your Content Store. You can then query the audit database for its list of objects, and cross reference the list from list from Content Documenter with the list from the audit database. This should give you an idea of if what objects are being use and which ones are not.
You can also try using Content Size. This will show you a graphical representation of your Content Store based on object size. This can be very useful when trying to clean up a Content Store.
You can check out a free trial of the software here: http://www.bspsoftware.com/products/metamanager/Download/
If you have any questions feel free to reach out to support at support@bspsoftware.com
Good luck!