Hi !
I have two columns Impact_Complying and Impact_Total, so i need to do the calculation like Impact_Complying / Impact_Total.
Based on the Country_Name and Month_Year selection. I am unable to do this calculation dynamically.
Country name, Month Year, Impact_Complying, Impact_Total
AUSTRALIA Jan'15 10 15
AUSTRALIA Feb'15 12 20
AUSTRALIA Mar'15 16 25
When i select Jan'15 and Feb'15 then the percentage should be
(Impact_Complying/ Impact_Total)*100 = ((10+12)/(15+20))*100 = (22/35)*100 = 62.85 %
When i select Jan'15 and Feb'15, Mar'15 then the percentage should be
(Impact_Complying/ Impact_Total)*100 = ((10+12+16)/(15+20+25))*100 = like (38/60)*100 = 63.33 %
How can i get the dynamically, based on the country_name and Month_Year.
Can some one help me how to do it.
Quote from: chalapati4u on 21 Aug 2015 09:07:00 AM
Hi !
I have two columns Impact_Complying and Impact_Total, so i need to do the calculation like Impact_Complying / Impact_Total.
Based on the Country_Name and Month_Year selection. I am unable to do this calculation dynamically.
Country name, Month Year, Impact_Complying, Impact_Total
AUSTRALIA Jan'15 10 15
AUSTRALIA Feb'15 12 20
AUSTRALIA Mar'15 16 25
When i select Jan'15 and Feb'15 then the percentage should be
(Impact_Complying/ Impact_Total)*100 = ((10+12)/(15+20))*100 = (22/35)*100 = 62.85 %
When i select Jan'15 and Feb'15, Mar'15 then the percentage should be
(Impact_Complying/ Impact_Total)*100 = ((10+12+16)/(15+20+25))*100 = like (38/60)*100 = 63.33 %
How can i get the dynamically, based on the country_name and Month_Year.
Can some one help me how to do it.
If this is an Active Report and you're trying to do this on-the-fly in the rendered output, then sadly you're out of luck. There are a few simple aggregations that can be performed in the "Summarize in output" section of the aggregation dialog, but here you'd need to use "Calculated", and unfortunately that's not one of the options available.
Hi MF,
Thanks for the reply, is there any alternative solution, because client expecting the results like above.
please help me here to find some solution. i am waiting for your reply.
Quote from: chalapati4u on 21 Aug 2015 02:41:15 PM
Hi MF,
Thanks for the reply, is there any alternative solution, because client expecting the results like above.
please help me here to find some solution. i am waiting for your reply.
If you are doing this in the rendered output of an active report, then it's not possible, sadly. There is currently no solution other than to change the strategy you are using and either to code a "normal" report or else don't allow multi-select of values in your slider.
Hi MF,
Thank you.
Is there any possibility to use Javascript.
Client is strictly saying they need this scenario in the active report.
please suggest some otherway. or did any body raise a concern about this to IBM.
Or how to approach to IBM to solve this problem.
You can always open a support ticket with IBM.
Honestly, even if you get it working some poor person 18 months from now is going to have to maintain whatever you manage to hack together. Do yourself and the client a favor and explain that there are some limitations in all software packages and technologies. Active Reports are limited in this case. Maybe ask why it is so important and find another way to meet their need.
Just my two cents worth on a Friday afternoon. Have a good weekend. 8)
Hi Hej,
I will try to explain the cognos limitations.
Is there any possibility to work with Javascript. did you also faced same issue ?.
Quote from: chalapati4u on 22 Aug 2015 12:45:23 PM
Hi Hej,
I will try to explain the cognos limitations.
Is there any possibility to work with Javascript. did you also faced same issue ?.
No. If we knew of a way we would tell you. You can log it with IBM support, but they will probably just come back with an answer that it's not a feature the product supports currently. You're going to have to re-think your strategy here, as an Active Report with multi-select filter items will not deliver the results you desire.
Yaa, thank you MF.
I am raising the PMR for this issue, because client is expecting the same in report, at least if i get the response from IBM saying "its not a feature the product supports currently". I can show it to client also.
thank you for response again.