Is anyone else going to Insight this year? Interested in meeting other Cognoise people?
Last time I tried to meet up (2 years ago I think), I was late arriving in Las Vegas and never found the group. :'(
I have my reservations now and will arrive early on Sunday this time. :D
I am curious to hear all about Titan (the new version). Maybe we will finally get a version bump to 11, since GUI-wise at least it is a pretty major overhaul. I am sure this will be a very big topic in the Cognos community.
Quote from: bdbits on 18 Aug 2015 09:42:00 AM
Is anyone else going to Insight this year? Interested in meeting other Cognoise people?
Last time I tried to meet up (2 years ago I think), I was late arriving in Las Vegas and never found the group. :'(
I have my reservations now and will arrive early on Sunday this time. :D
I am curious to hear all about Titan (the new version). Maybe we will finally get a version bump to 11, since GUI-wise at least it is a pretty major overhaul. I am sure this will be a very big topic in the Cognos community.
Well, I'd love to go, but I don't have the opportunity this year. I was there two years ago and three years ago, and both trips were outstanding (apart from missing seeing that Bob guy)! I'm happy to hear you are going to be there - I assume the Avnet guys will have a stand as usual, so you might get to meet Andy. I would be surprised if Paul (M) wasn't there also - he's now working in the USA so doesn't have the usual travel logistics nightmare of other years.
Have a (free) Insight Beer or two and enjoy the conference!!
Sorry you won't make it MFGF. :(
I've been to them twice before, both excellent but then I usually get a lot out of conferences like this one. Nothing beats hearing and maybe talking to hardcore users, product managers and sometimes even the guys who write Cognos code - tons of good info.
If someone reading this has not been to Insight, it is well worth it in my opinion.
Formerly known as IOD, I can just hear the Cognos marketing team. "Yeah, let's rename it, because... Insight."
I have always enjoyed the conference and paid my own way as an independent consultant because it is an outstanding value for the money.
I'm sorry I'll miss it also, but having moved recently to another country it is more than I can manage. I'd really love to present again and get a free conference pass, but that means I'll need to come up with something to say ... will try to locate my thinking cap.
I am not positive, but I think the deadline has passed for topic submissions. Which is a shame if you wanted to present. Maybe some IBMer can still get you in? ;)
Quote from: bdbits on 21 Aug 2015 05:42:31 PM
I am not positive, but I think the deadline has passed for topic submissions. Which is a shame if you wanted to present. Maybe some IBMer can still get you in? ;)
Yes, the deadline is long gone. I meant for next year. I believe our esteemed Cognoise member Nimrod Avissar is going to be presenting this year. I don't know what his topic is but I'd check that session out if I were attending.
Cool, thanks for the heads up. I will see if I can find it.
I heard that the new version supposed to be launched around Dec 2015 has components integrated further like many studios combined into one etc. Would love it if folks who attend that presentation can post something here.
Quote from: cognostechie on 19 Oct 2015 12:29:15 PM
I heard that the new version supposed to be launched around Dec 2015 has components integrated further like many studios combined into one etc. Would love it if folks who attend that presentation can post something here.
IBM normally do live feeds of the main sessions, so if you're keen you can see things as they unfold. Otherwise we will keep an eye open for what gets posted by IBM :)
I just heard from my buddy that he has the movie which is supposed to be shown at Insight. Will watch it sometime this week.
Quote from: cognostechie on 20 Oct 2015 11:48:35 AM
I just heard from my buddy that he has the movie which is supposed to be shown at Insight. Will watch it sometime this week.
IBM are making the conference available via live streaming on I believe. You can see announcements as they happen from the comfort of your own workstation :)