have anyone this problem (bug?) too? Since version 10.2.2 Fixpack 2 i have this Problem.
I have two data dropdown list (1) with e.g "City" that containfilter data Dropdown list (2) e.g "Location".
Both of the data dropdownlist have no value header "select City" and "select Location".
When I start the active report it show at first "select City" and "select Location". It allright. But when I select City e.g. Berlin (Dropdown List 1) and Location A (Dropdown List 2) and then I change to City Munich (1) the Dropdown List (2)"Location" don't reset to the no value header (select location).
Befor Version 10.2.2 when I change choice of dropdown list 1 then dropdownlist 2 alway reset to the no value header.
I find this Problem by bugfix report but it dont work by me with FixPack 2.
have anyone solution for this?