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IBM Cognos 10 Platform => Cognos 10 BI => Dynamic Cubes => Topic started by: maxchuie on 30 Jul 2015 10:02:12 AM

Title: Additional JVM arguments for the query service DdisableDuplicateLevelCheck
Post by: maxchuie on 30 Jul 2015 10:02:12 AM
my admin thinks there might be a typo I need to confirm what we use.   look at step 5
However in case you did not experience problems in IBM Cognos 10.2, you can disable the check for duplicate member keys.
1. Go to Cognos Administration > Configuration > Dispatchers and Services.
2. Drill down on one of the dispatchers.
3. Open the properties of the Query Service.
4. In the Settings tab go to entries 16 - 19.
5. Under "Additional JVM arguments for the query service (Requires QueryService restart)" add -DdisableDuplicateLevelCheck=true .
6. Perform this for every dispatcher owning a Query Service.
7. Restart the complete BI environment.
Title: Re: Additional JVM arguments for the query service DdisableDuplicateLevelCheck
Post by: bus_pass_man on 30 Jul 2015 07:54:58 PM

He's wrong.  The capital D is part of the system property command-line options syntax.   I've attached some documentation about that part at the bottom at 3.

I'm assuming you tried to start up a cube and got the error message which says one of your keys isn't unique.

XQE-ROL-0016 More than one member was found in .... with member key values .... Member ... could already have a parent of ..., or there might be duplicate member keys. Duplicate member key values for different level keys may occur if an insufficient number of level key columns are defined in each level during modeling. This requires a fix to the model.

So what did you do then?  Did you try to do what the error message tells you to do? Do you understand why you got the error message?

There's more information starting page 115 in the new redbook.  This topic also has information you might want to have.

I suggest that you don't bugger around with this setting.

You really really really really really need to know what you're doing.  This means really really really really really really knowing what the error means, really really really really knowing why it's there, and really really really really really really really knowing your model and really really really really really knowing the implications of what your model is asserting and really really really really knowing your data.  I doubt that there is actually a case where the check is incorrectly identifying non-unique keys.

Frankly, forget you even know about it.

OK, so I spent 5 minutes fiddling about on this obscure web site called google.   If you feed in search terms it does a fairly good job of giving you useful search results.   I used terms like JVM and syntax and options and arguments.  O Brave new world.


    Sets a system property value. The property variable is a string with no spaces that represents the name of the property. The value variable is a string that represents the value of the property. If value is a string with spaces, then enclose it in quotation marks (for example -Dfoo="foo bar").

System property command-line options

Use the system property command-line options to set up your system.

    Sets a system property.
    This system property enables caching of the Latest User Defined Class Loader (LUDCL), which can improve performance when a serialized object is de-serialized.
    This system property turns on wire tracing for the Object Request Broker (ORB), which is also known as Comm tracing.
    This system property enables debugging for the Object Request Broker (ORB) and includes tracing options that control how much information is recorded.
    Start of changes for service refresh of changes for service refresh 9
    This system property can be used with to generate trace output for specific Object Request Broker (ORB) subcomponents such as MARSHAL or DISPATCH. This finer level of tracing helps you debug problems with ORB operations.
    This system property redirects Object Request Broker (ORB) trace output to a file, which is known as a trace log.
    This option provides memory allocation diagnostic information for class library native code.
    Setting this property to true enables caching of the Latest User Defined Class Loader (LUDCL).
    If your Java application uses JSSE for secure communication, you can disable TLS renegotiation by installing APAR IZ65239.
    Enables verbose information from operations to be written to the output channel during VM operation.
    Invalid UTF8 or malformed byte sequences are replaced with the standard unicode replacement character \uFFFD.
    Start of changes for service refresh of changes for service refresh
    Determines whether the close() method of a stream object closes a native file descriptor even if the descriptor is still in use by another stream object.
    Enable the Attach API for this application.
    This system property affects the XSLT processing of extension functions or extension elements when Java security is enabled.
    The class allows you to create InputStreams on files held in a compressed archive.
    Use this property to define the file encoding that is required.
    Start of changes for service refresh 8 fix pack 10-Dibm.disableAltProcessorEnd of changes for service refresh 8 fix pack 10
    This option stops the ALT-key, when pressed, from highlighting the first menu in the active window of the user interface.
    The value of this property is used as an additional search path.
    This option addresses the ordering of IO and NIO converters.
    This system property enables awareness of Unicode Ideographic Variation Sequence (IVS) to draw characters, except in peered components.
    Disables the Java compiler by setting to NONE.
    Use this property to turn off an enhanced hashing algorithm for javax.xml.namespace.QName.hashCode().
    This system property controls the use of an enhanced hashing algorithm for hashed maps.
    Start of changes for service refresh 6-Djdk.reflect.allowGetCallerClassEnd of changes for service refresh
    Use this option to re-enable the sun.reflect.Reflection.getCallerClass(int depth) method.
    Start of changes for service refresh 6-Djdk.xml.entityExpansionLimitEnd of changes for service refresh
    This option provides limits for Java API for XML processing (JAXP). Use this option to limit the number of entity expansions in an XML document.
    Start of changes for service refresh 6-Djdk.xml.maxGeneralEntitySizeLimitEnd of changes for service refresh
    This option provides limits for Java API for XML processing (JAXP). Use this option to limit the maximum size of a general entity.
    Start of changes for service refresh 6-Djdk.xml.maxOccurEnd of changes for service refresh
    This option provides limits for Java API for XML processing (JAXP). This option defines the maximum number of content model nodes that can be created in a grammar.
    Start of changes for service refresh 6-Djdk.xml.maxParameterEntitySizeLimitEnd of changes for service refresh
    This option provides limits for Java API for XML processing (JAXP). Use this option to limit the maximum size of a parameter entity.
    Start of changes for service refresh 7-Djdk.xml.resolveExternalEntitiesEnd of changes for service refresh
    This option provides limits for Java API for XML processing (JAXP). Use this option to control whether external entities are resolved in an XML document.
    Start of changes for service refresh 6-Djdk.xml.totalEntitySizeLimitEnd of changes for service refresh
    This option provides limits for Java API for XML processing (JAXP). Use this option to limit the total size of all entities, including general and parameter entities.
    The -Dsun.awt.keepWorkingSetOnMinimize=true system property stops the JVM trimming an application when it is minimized.
    Specifies the default value for the connect timeout for the protocol handlers used by the class.
    Specifies the default value for the read timeout for the protocol handlers used by the class when reading from an input stream when a connection is established to a resource.
    Limits the native memory size for nio Direct Byte Buffer objects to the value specified.
    Controls inflation from the JNI implementation of reflection to the Java implementation of reflection.
    Enables thread pooling for the RMI ConnectionHandlers in the TCP transport layer implementation.
    This option addresses compatibility problems for Swing programs.