Hi guys, I am attempting to deploy the Audit Extension to a sandbox server. First off, I don't even know if this will give us what we need. Essentially, I'd like to get report modified date (not when the report runs, but the last modified date of the XML itself) and when reports are deployed from environment to environment. This is a SOX compliance requirement. Regardless, of this I still would like to get this working. I've followed the directions located here - http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/data/library/cognos/development/utilities/page574.html (http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/data/library/cognos/development/utilities/page574.html) and get to the last step before the tables are built.
We are likely having issues either with the path of the sql_auth.dll file or the ntlm security settings behind the scenes.
We reach this error when accessing the web administration URL at http://<servername>:9300/AuditExt/ - We see a "please wait" before this:
An error occurred
Unable to initialise the administration engine.
If the database connection details have changed, please reset them.
If in doubt, or if problems persist, please contact an administrator.
Error was: "Unable to initialise the database connection - cannot continue"
The setting we edited in the file <AuditExtDir>/WEB-INF/classes/c10AuditExtension.properties is as follows:
jdbc.url= jdbc:sqlserver://<server>:1433;DatabaseName=<auditdatabase>;integratedSecurity=true;
Where ussd-tst-msdb03 is our server and CognosAudit102sbx is the DB we are using. We have full dbo access rights to this DB.
Finally, this is the latest error in our c10AuditExtension.log:
2015-07-17 13:49:33,779 [http-9300-8] ERROR com.cognos.c8HelperLibs.db.DatabaseEngineBase - An error occurred initialising the engine
com.microsoft.sqlserver.jdbc.SQLServerException: This driver is not configured for integrated authentication. ClientConnectionId:0a92c663-2290-4e90-9e3c-673efae75a6e
... and farther down in the log
Caused by: java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: sqljdbc_auth (Not found in java.library.path)
I've attempted to add the sql_auth.dll to the directory listed in the online docs on microsoft technet and also tried registering it in the java.library.path, but have continually encountered this error. Any help will be much appreciated!
I resolved this issue a few weeks ago. For anyone having problems I was confused as to where to put the sqljdbc_auth.dll files. They needed to go into their respective bin directories (<cognos install dir>\bin and <cognos install dir>\bin64) . Once I did that, the Audit Ext app worked! Wooo hooo!
Thanks for posting the answer so some poor soul in the future will potentially have a resolution. :)