I'm trying to enable 'Manage External Data' in Cognos Report Studio 10.2.1.
I've tried every option I can think of and scoured the net but no luck.
Has anyone done this on 10.2.1? (I have admin rights to the system.....)
I appreciate any help......
Wonko :)
It's a capability under Report Studio, "Allow External Data". As I recall, that is the only thing you need to change.
You also need to make sure that the package you are using does not have the governor defining the number of external data files set to zero.
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Thanks for the replies. :)
I have full access to both Report Studio & Manage External Data.
But I'm not sure where to find the 'governor' that defines the number of external files?
MFGF, could you explain where that is?
Not to butt in on the muppet, but in case he's busy muppeting...
Open your package in FM, and go to menu item Project > Governors.
"Maximum personal data sources that can be merged with a model."
The default is 1. I am pretty sure this just means "1 external data source merged at a time", as opposed to only ever being able to merge 1 external data source forever.
Should it be useful to the OP, there was a related discussion recently on the Report Studio board: http://www.cognoise.com/index.php/topic,28419.msg91336.html#msg91336 (http://www.cognoise.com/index.php/topic,28419.msg91336.html#msg91336)
in which the muppet came up trumps again.
Thank you all for the replies, but we unfortunately don't have access to FM.....
.....so I think that's where my search ends. :'(
By default this capability is enable who are directory administrators or system administrators, they can work with any package.
But if we need to enable for role or group wise follow the below steps
Check the below User Capabilities :
Cognos Administration > Security > Capabilities
For Report Studio > Set Properties > Permissions
Example: Requested role granted Execute and Traverse
For Allow External Data on Report Studio > Allow External Data > Set Properties > Permissions
Example: Requested role granted Execute and Traverse
If these are already set, follow the steps below.
Steps to add package capability tab on properties, this should be enable every package.
As Administrator can do the below activities.
1. Select the Set Properties icon on package name
2. Select the Capabilities tab
3. Check the box named "Override the capabilities acquired from the parent entry with:
4. Select role or groups
5. Select the check box next to the user or the group and check the grant check box for Allow External Data along with Report Studio.
This should be helpful for you, sure.