I have to create an left our join the option is available but then it produces an red issue stating
the outer join allows empty rows to be returned from it when the dimension is populated during cube start up which will result in null members being created.
Ok I plan on applying padding but it will not let me view members in cube designer.
If I recall correctly, the first sentence in the error message, which you did not reproduce, says something about the outer join involving the table where the key is, which is a hint about what is going on.
Reading and thinking about error messages is probably a good idea. No matter how execrable or, dare I say, Cognosible1 the message is, and a Cognos error message is almost always seemingly perversely designed to be obscure and unactionable (try figuring out xqe messages; they are perfectly ok if you know exactly the query context but that rarely is something which is knowable), close reading, after 10 or so attempts, can be of assistance.
You should only use the outer join for cases where the join is to an outrigger where attribute information is stored and not every key in the dimension table has a matching key in the outrigger.
If you really are going to create an expression which will have handling for nulls then you probably don't need the outer join anyway. You do need to make sure that all the keys in both tables are represented somehow otherwise some records will be dropped from the query.
1. With dreams of a OED citation dancing in his head spawning that neologism.