Hey guys,
I have a Date prompt with Calendar. I have a specify the Today's Date as
the Default Selection. Unfortunately, the properties of the Date Prompt doesn't
allow you or doesn't provide you the option to put system date.
I'm basically trying to populate this field with the today's date so I can bypass
the Prompt but keep the prompt still as Mandatory.
If anyone knows how to do this, I'll greatly appreciate it.
Thanks so much in advance for your time. :) :)
Why do you want to Keep the prompt mandatory ?
I have reports, where I also have Dateprompt as optional Parameter.
If nothing entered, then the Default date is depending on runtype (where I have daily, monthly, yearly) the last day, the last closed month, the last closed year.
This can be done by using Macro prompt:
#prompt('Productiondate';'date';'_add_days(CAST(current_timestamp;DATE);-1)')# (relational Report)
Colt, That is an excellent idea. Thx for the code and idea. I'll
try it.. 8)