We upgraded the Oracle client on all servers from 11g to 12c. Initially when we were investigating this the IBM had Oracle 12c listed as supported. When I checked again yesterday I see it is not listed there. Good thing I downloaded all this in PDF format otherwise I would have thought I screwed up but I do see the difference in the supported software matrix between April and July. So I have done that homework.
Now the issue is that everything works for Cognos except the publishes. There doesn't seem to be a .out file produced although the log shows one being created as part of the bulk load error. Also we did a full Admin install of the client on the Cognos servers. This is DEV so I want to resolve this before we move forward to the other environments.
Here is the error:
Machine details: WMIC\WPG1DBPF002
User details: WMIC\cogplan10
Process ID / Thread ID: 1848 / 3996
Source: BulkLoadHelper_10.BulkLoadHelper.BulkLoadExec
ErrorGuid: {2425E988-DE13-48E6-B5DC-3349D03149B9}
StackPosition: 8
PreviousUserDomain: WMIC
PreviousUserName: cogplan10
PreviousComputerDomain: WMIC
PreviousComputerName: WPG1DBPF002
Error Number: -2147220450
Line Number: 280
Description: Unable to get Job Item
The Job management step failed. An attempt has been made to mark the 'REPORTING_PUBLISH' Job as CANCELLED. Please rectify the problem and re-create a similar Job.
The call to 'JobBegin' on 'ReportingPublish_%v.Implementation' was not successful.
Unable to Bulk Load the data.
BulkLoad Execution returned -1073741515.
Output file (C:\Users\COGPLA~1\AppData\Local\Temp\9D604F8DC61E45B18ACF3B52B110A2A7et_AG_FX{E717124D-F3D8-4A62-AD0F-17E8313E75FF}.out):
Any ideas on how to proceed? I'm not getting many hits on the web for this one and the DBA's seem stumped.
It was a confirmed bug with Oracle:
They had to supply us with the correct DLL so that we could continue with using Oracle 12c and after installing it the publishes executed as expected.