Is there a way to bring into implementation the same table twice with an alias name for another join?
I'm relieved to learn that you know the term alias. And yes role-playing is supported. Role-playing is documented in the redbook. Do take the time to download it and read it, especially the 3 modeling chapters although the entire book will need to be consulted eventually. I imagine that IBM would have educational offerings too.
The sample model has a couple of examples of role-playing. Examine them. They are there to be a guide to you for exactly this situation.
The phrasing of the question suggests that you haven't quite digested my answer in http://www.cognoise.com/index.php/topic,28474.0.html. The FM workflow isn't applicable to cube designer. You create your dimensions and, if you have role-playing, you create new dimensions. If the role-playing is within the dimension you define the relationships in the dimension. If the role-playing is between the dimension and the fact table you set the relationship between the dimension and the measure dimension to use what keys you want the relationship to use.