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IBM Cognos 10 Platform => Cognos 10 BI => Active Reports => Topic started by: bladeless on 13 Jul 2015 04:38:04 AM

Title: Gauge Panel wrong percent value, when Rollup Aggregation
Post by: bladeless on 13 Jul 2015 04:38:04 AM

I use Gauge Panel to show percent value with one extra category, but value, that Panel shows, is wrong.

Data that I use:
   A1         B1      A1/B1
A   78      246      0.317073171   
B   70      110      0.636363636   
C   134      252      0.531746032   
D   1403   4377   0.320539182   0.451430505
Total   1685   4985   0.338014042   

Total %, that Gauge Panel shows, is 45%(average of all percents(A1/B1)) instead 33.5%(total A1/total B1) and when I filter category it counts average of filtered A1/B1s instead (filtered total A1/filtered total B1)

Could anyone tell me how to show right results (total A1/total B1) instead of (average of all percents(A1/B1))?
Title: Re: Gauge Panel wrong percent value, when Rollup Aggregation
Post by: bladeless on 15 Jul 2015 04:24:06 PM
I have added picture for greater clarity.
Both Gauge Panel WITH extra categories and Gauge Panel WITHOUT extra categories has Average as Rollup Aggreagtion.
As you can see from the picture, Both Panels have different values:
Gauge Panel WITHOUT extra categorie shows result: Total(A1)/Total(B1).
Gauge Panel WITH extra categories shows result: Average(A1/B1)

Could you tell me how I can get the same value in the "Gauge Panel WITH extra categories" like in the "Gauge Panel WITHOUT extra categories"?
Title: Re: Gauge Panel wrong percent value, when Rollup Aggregation
Post by: bladeless on 20 Jul 2015 06:34:22 AM
If you don't understand something that I wrote, feel free to ask questions ;)
Title: Re: Gauge Panel wrong percent value, when Rollup Aggregation
Post by: bdbits on 20 Jul 2015 09:05:05 AM
If I look at the table and the 'graphs' in your attachment, it appears to me that the gauge is accurately showing particular values from the table. So is the problem really something with the chart? From your posts thus far, I have no idea what you have set for chart properties.
Title: Re: Gauge Panel wrong percent value, when Rollup Aggregation
Post by: bladeless on 20 Jul 2015 09:32:50 AM
The main idea of my posts is that Gauge Panel shows another result if i add extra categories in it.
Without extra categories we can see that Gauge Panel shows result of the calculation = Total(A1)/Total(B1).
When I add extra categories Gauge Panel shows another result of the calculation = (A1/B1 for A PLUS A1/B1 for B PLUS A1/B1 for C PLUS A1/B1 for D) then DIVIDE on 4(count of categories - A,B,C,D).
And question - Is it possible to show in the Gauge Panel with extra categories result of the calculation = Total(A1)/Total(B1)?

I have added Extra categories to have possibility to filter the Gauge Panel visualization. And I need this possibility.