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IBM Cognos 10 Platform => Cognos 10 BI => Dynamic Cubes => Topic started by: maxchuie on 10 Jul 2015 05:46:38 PM

Title: dynamic cube with fWM
Post by: maxchuie on 10 Jul 2015 05:46:38 PM
hello, I am new with dynamic cube,

I jut started a company and trying to do a poc for dynamic cubes with their data. They have a fwm already created with joins
will I be able to link dc 10.2.2 to fwm business layer views or does it have to be tables.

they created some dimensions and measures in fwm but i can't see to get the measures into dc

Published fwm as data source - successful
linked to fwm data source in dynamic cube designer - successful
imported the dimensions as dimensions.  -- successful
-----unable to import the measures created in fwm-------??????????

Title: Re: dynamic cube with fWM
Post by: bus_pass_man on 12 Jul 2015 09:32:46 PM
The fm migration functionality exposes everything in the package and also provides you with a gallimaufry of menu options for the actual importing of the fm objects.

They are listed in table 16-1 in the new redbook, which is available here:

The online help is here:

It isn't clear what you have selected to import.  The mention of the business layer and the mention of ' import as dimensions' suggests that you have selected query subjects.  If that is so then you should not be surprised if no cube is created.  That option only creates a primitive dimension for each query subject.  In order to create a measure dimension you need to choose the 'Import as the measure dimension of a new cube' option.

In order to import measure dimensions (and their associated regular dimensions) select the measure dimensions that you want to import and choose import from the context menu.   

This action, as documented in the deathless albeit not necessarily very well copy-edited prose of the redbook, 'creates a cube, putting the measures of the source Framework Manager measure dimension into the measure dimension of the cube and creating dimensions for each dimension which has a scope relationship to the source Framework Manager measure dimension. This import action walks through the model to find the associated dimensions no matter where in the Framework Manager model the dimensions are located.

'Each dimension created exists outside of the cube. For this reason you can re-use it in other cubes if you want. You can perform this action on multiple measure dimensions simultaneously.'

I would recommend that you read the fm migration chapter of the redbook.

hope that helps

Title: Re: dynamic cube with fWM
Post by: maxchuie on 14 Jul 2015 05:31:41 AM
Thank you that helped the only thing left i can't see to get to work is the implementaion area of the table joins it will not let be drop and drag the tables

so frustrating...
Title: Re: dynamic cube with fWM
Post by: bdbits on 14 Jul 2015 10:05:34 AM
gallimaufry  :o

I never thought visiting would expand my vocabulary.
Thanks, bus_pass_man!  ;D
Title: Re: dynamic cube with fWM
Post by: bus_pass_man on 14 Jul 2015 06:19:06 PM
You're welcome.   More possibly comical, certainly unintentional, erudition in my response below.


There's no such thing as 'Implementation area of the table joins' so I'm forced to guess what you're trying to do.  Being precise in the use of terminology and in describing problems is, not surprisingly, helpful as it enables people to better understand the situation and come up with an answer so please feel free to be quite selfish and go into as much detail as possible, in as precise a manner as possible.  There's some degree of congruence and yes, bdbits, that just came out between your needs and our needs so it is in your self-interest to go into detail.

You can add tables to the implementation diagram of a dimension. That action does not actually add anything from the table to any of the levels of the dimension. It's there mostly to allow you to add tables to your dimension so that you can design the relationships between things being used in the dimension so that the query will use the right (i.e. the ones that you want it to use) join. This is in support of the purpose of the diagram, which is to display the tables used in a dimension and their relationships and to allow for the editing and refinement of those relationships.   

The other implementation diagram exists in a cube. It shows the metadata used in the cube. As you can tell by looking at the tool bar just above the diagram, there is no editing functionality in this implementation diagram unlike the dimension implementation diagram. It does not allow you to add anything to it. Editing of the cube is performed in the editor tab. 

I'm guessing you tried to add something to the cube implementation diagram, which might be an indication that you're not quite as confident as you might want to be.

So taking a bit of time to learn Cube Designer might be in order. As the Redbook says, the paradigms of modeling in Cube Designer and Framework Manager are different. 

The Platonic form of a GUI would not only allow the user to do everything he would want to do to achieve his ends but also educate him about the subject area. We, unfortunately, are still in the cave.

The fact that Cube Designer does a lot of the more tedious query planning work for you ought to be of some consolation. In FM if you wanted to create a DMR application you would need to import the metadata, create aliases and change the relationships to handle role-playing and ambiguous query paths, and create a business layer -- all just to get to the point where you could start to create the DMR.  In Cube Designer you start at the defining the application and, as an organic part of the workflow, define aliases etc., which allows you to avoid most of the scut work. 

In creating a dimension all you need to do is the high value work of defining the hierarchies and levels, keys, relationships, cardinalities etc. 

The implementation of Dynamic Cubes requires a fair amount of planning. That is no different from implementation of DMR and relational applications. In fact, it may be more so as it requires decisions be made about handling aggregates, which could, among other things, require capital investments in hardware specific for that. Implementation of either Dynamic Cubes or DMR and relational is a significant project spanning IT and line departments. Reading the entire Redbook is probably a useful thing to assist you for that.

Title: Re: dynamic cube with fWM
Post by: cognostechie on 21 Oct 2015 06:31:15 PM
Quote from: maxchuie on 10 Jul 2015 05:46:38 PM
hello, I am new with dynamic cube,

I jut started a company and trying to do a poc for dynamic cubes with their data. They have a fwm already created with joins
will I be able to link dc 10.2.2 to fwm business layer views or does it have to be tables.

they created some dimensions and measures in fwm but i can't see to get the measures into dc

Published fwm as data source - successful
linked to fwm data source in dynamic cube designer - successful
imported the dimensions as dimensions.  -- successful
-----unable to import the measures created in fwm-------??????????


I am also trying to use a FM package in the Cube Designer to use as the source but I can't see any option for that. The document says:

From the toolbar, click Get Metadata > Select Framework Manager Package.

However, from the Get Metadata option, I see only 'Browse Content Manager Datasource'

I made a Dynamic Cube earlier using tables from the DB and that worked fine but now I am trying to use a FM package which I published with DQM option but I still don't see any option to bring that in the Cube Designer. The Redbook also says that a FM package can be used and the option to select a Framework Package will be available from the 'Get Metadata' option but I don't see it !!

Title: Re: dynamic cube with fWM
Post by: cognostechie on 21 Oct 2015 06:41:32 PM
By the way, the Redbook that I saw which says that it can be done has a date stamp of June 2015 and I am using 10.2.1, not 10.2.2.  I am wondering if
using a package from FM in Cube Designer can be done only in 10.2.2  or did this option exist in 10.2.1 also?
Title: Re: dynamic cube with fWM
Post by: bus_pass_man on 21 Oct 2015 07:32:32 PM
That's correct; import of FM models from packages was introduced in 10.2.2.
Title: Re: dynamic cube with fWM
Post by: cognostechie on 21 Oct 2015 08:25:11 PM
Ok, thanks for confirming it.