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IBM Cognos 10 Platform => Cognos 10 BI => Cognos Administration => Topic started by: vignesvar on 01 Jul 2015 12:52:11 AM

Title: How to connect cognos sample DB into MySQL back-end ?
Post by: vignesvar on 01 Jul 2015 12:52:11 AM
Hi all,
I'm having 10.2.2 sample package. I want to add this database files into my mysql back end for further gaining tools knowledge. I don't know how to do it. so I moved to do same in DB2 hereafter having some issue please let me then How to configure same into MySQL back-end if you know.

Extract GS_DB-> select win folger-> open setupGS_DB file. It is opened by DB2CLP CMD PROMPT. Then finally show an error
"sql30081n a communication error has been detected. communication protocol being used tcp/ip".

Note: My local is Windows 7, DB2 installed another machine. It is always service started. MySQL is Back end.

Please provide some detail information. I'm very newbie this work.

Thank you very much in advance.
Title: Re: How to connect cognos sample DB into MySQL back-end ?
Post by: MFGF on 01 Jul 2015 03:36:05 AM
Quote from: vignesvar on 01 Jul 2015 12:52:11 AM
Hi all,
I'm having 10.2.2 sample package. I want to add this database files into my mysql back end for further gaining tools knowledge. I don't know how to do it. so I moved to do same in DB2 hereafter having some issue please let me then How to configure same into MySQL back-end if you know.

Extract GS_DB-> select win folger-> open setupGS_DB file. It is opened by DB2CLP CMD PROMPT. Then finally show an error
"sql30081n a communication error has been detected. communication protocol being used tcp/ip".

Note: My local is Windows 7, DB2 installed another machine. It is always service started. MySQL is Back end.

Please provide some detail information. I'm very newbie this work.

Thank you very much in advance.


Have you read through the instructions in the Samples Installation Guide? Chapter 2 seems to be the relevant section for you here:

If DB2 is on a remote server, you're going to have to install the DB2 native client libraries on your own machine to be able to connect.

Title: Re: How to connect cognos sample DB into MySQL back-end ?
Post by: vignesvar on 01 Jul 2015 05:32:50 AM
Thank you for your response, Documentation link is helpful to me but I have one query, There is no way to configure this sample database   in to MySQL back-end?

Then I was tried what are the steps involved in DB2 Database. Everything goes correct but at final stage database set up I got an error message SQL30081N communication error. My doubt is DB2 installed in remote machine. DB2 command line tools installed in local so that is matter for error message?
Title: Re: How to connect cognos sample DB into MySQL back-end ?
Post by: MFGF on 01 Jul 2015 11:12:36 AM
Quote from: vignesvar on 01 Jul 2015 05:32:50 AM
Thank you for your response, Documentation link is helpful to me but I have one query, There is no way to configure this sample database   in to MySQL back-end?

Then I was tried what are the steps involved in DB2 Database. Everything goes correct but at final stage database set up I got an error message SQL30081N communication error. My doubt is DB2 installed in remote machine. DB2 command line tools installed in local so that is matter for error message?


I think you need to define a database alias for the remote database on your local machine - that's probably the step you are missing.

It's probably possible to get the sample tables into MySQL but first you're going to need to restore one of the provided database backups into a database Cognos supports, then figure out a way of creating the same tables and indexes in MySQL and then transferring the content across (so some sort of ETL tool would be required). If you have DB2 it's probably easier to use this.


Title: Re: How to connect cognos sample DB into MySQL back-end ?
Post by: vignesvar on 03 Jul 2015 12:24:13 AM
I have only GS_DB script after run the script successfully then I move to catalog that DB. Here  I have problem while run the DB script.
This is error message on run that script.

"SQL0104N  An unexpected token "great_outdoor_sales" was found following
"DATABASE".  Expected tokens may include:  "<database-alias>".  SQLSTATE=42601
CREATE DATABASE great_outdoor_sales AUTOMATIC STORAGE YES ALIAS great_outdoor_sa
les using codeset UTF-8 territory US pagesize 32 k with 'v.2.04.003 UTF8 2/5/201
SQL0104N  An unexpected token "great_outdoor_sales" was found following
"DATABASE".  Expected tokens may include:  "<database-name>".  SQLSTATE=42601"

Please let me to resolve this issue.

Thank you.
Title: Re: How to connect cognos sample DB into MySQL back-end ?
Post by: MFGF on 07 Jul 2015 03:25:56 AM
Quote from: vignesvar on 03 Jul 2015 12:24:13 AM
I have only GS_DB script after run the script successfully

So, just to clarify, you have run the GS_DB script successfully? If so, then you have created your samples database successfully - it is called GS_DB.

Quote from: vignesvar on 03 Jul 2015 12:24:13 AM
then I move to catalog that DB.

Ok - did you catalog it successfully? What command did you use? The samples documentation above says you should use
catalog tcpip node nodename remote ipaddr server port_number
db2 catalog database GS_DB as GS_DB at node nodename

Quote from: vignesvar on 03 Jul 2015 12:24:13 AM
Here  I have problem while run the DB script.
This is error message on run that script.

"SQL0104N  An unexpected token "great_outdoor_sales" was found following
"DATABASE".  Expected tokens may include:  "<database-alias>".  SQLSTATE=42601
CREATE DATABASE great_outdoor_sales AUTOMATIC STORAGE YES ALIAS great_outdoor_sa
les using codeset UTF-8 territory US pagesize 32 k with 'v.2.04.003 UTF8 2/5/201
SQL0104N  An unexpected token "great_outdoor_sales" was found following
"DATABASE".  Expected tokens may include:  "<database-name>".  SQLSTATE=42601"

Can you explain what you did? It appears you already created your samples database successfully as GS_DB with the GS_DB script. Why are you trying to create another database called great_outdoors_sales?

Quote from: vignesvar on 03 Jul 2015 12:24:13 AM
Please let me to resolve this issue.

Thank you.

Doing my best... :)

Title: Re: How to connect cognos sample DB into MySQL back-end ?
Post by: vignesvar on 07 Jul 2015 03:43:29 AM
Thank you for response, I heard apology for my mistakes. I have GS_DB Script in .tar format after unzip to two more time I got that original batch files to install my windows system(It was mention in wrong after running GS_DB script Successfully).
I opened that script in my CLP prompt It asked change the DB name so I change the name as great_outdoor_sales. I got this error message SQL0104N while creating DB on that script I was given that full error message in my previous post.
You gave a suggestion to catalog that DB early. Here I having problem while creating DB then how catalog is possible?

I am really want to extract that sample DB into my system. While creation time having error as SQL0104N. How to resolve this issue?

Thank you very much, once again.
Title: Re: How to connect cognos sample DB into MySQL back-end ?
Post by: MFGF on 07 Jul 2015 04:21:21 AM
Quote from: vignesvar on 07 Jul 2015 03:43:29 AM
Thank you for response, I heard apology for my mistakes. I have GS_DB Script in .tar format after unzip to two more time I got that original batch files to install my windows system(It was mention in wrong after running GS_DB script Successfully).
I opened that script in my CLP prompt It asked change the DB name so I change the name as great_outdoor_sales. I got this error message SQL0104N while creating DB on that script I was given that full error message in my previous post.
You gave a suggestion to catalog that DB early. Here I having problem while creating DB then how catalog is possible?

I am really want to extract that sample DB into my system. While creation time having error as SQL0104N. How to resolve this issue?

Thank you very much, once again.


Ok - where are you running the script - on the machine with DB2 installed or on your local machine? You need to be on the machine with DB2 installed to create the database. Once created, you then create an alias to it on your local machine.

What version of DB2 are you using? What OS is it installed on?

Title: Re: How to connect cognos sample DB into MySQL back-end ?
Post by: vignesvar on 07 Jul 2015 05:00:39 AM
Thank you MFGF, I'm running the script in windows 7 OS my local machine. DB2 installed remote machine that is CentOS. Here i'm using DB2 10.5 version,
Title: Re: How to connect cognos sample DB into MySQL back-end ?
Post by: MFGF on 07 Jul 2015 05:08:47 AM
Quote from: vignesvar on 07 Jul 2015 05:00:39 AM
Thank you MFGF, I'm running the script in windows 7 OS my local machine. DB2 installed remote machine that is CentOS. Here i'm using DB2 10.5 version,

You need to run the GS_DB script on the remote machine with DB2 installed on it - that is where the database will get created. Once you have created it on that machine you can create an alias to it on your local Windows 7 machine.

Title: Re: How to connect cognos sample DB into MySQL back-end ?
Post by: vignesvar on 07 Jul 2015 05:15:34 AM
Thank you very much your suggestion MFGF.