I have Cognos 10.x Production environment which has Active directory. Now customer wants to move to different active directory which is completely different domain.When we move to new AD new CAMID will be generated and Myfolders contents will not be visible.I am thinking below two solution approach.Please confirm.
1.Take inventory of Old active directory ex: CAMID, Cognos id for user , roles and groups.
2.Create new active directory in same environment and bring up the environment.
2.Take inventory of new active directory ex: CAMID, Cognos id for user , roles and groups.
3.create mapping sheet to map old and new CAMID for the users.
4.Update new CAMID with old CAMID and it should show all myfolders and public folders security. Updating CAMID is possible?
1. Create new active directory configuration in cognos content store server.
2. Now user has an option to choose the active directory old or new. when they choose new they will not see content in Myfolder but will see in old.
3. With SDK coding , we can move my folder content from old to new active directory within the environment by considering old as source and new as target
environment.Is this right solution approach?
4. Also in this scenario, groups CAMID will also get affected. So Public folder will have security issues. How to move all securities from old to new AD?
Quote from: Cognos8 on 29 Jun 2015 10:05:33 AM
I have Cognos 10.x Production environment which has Active directory. Now customer wants to move to different active directory which is completely different domain.When we move to new AD new CAMID will be generated and Myfolders contents will not be visible.I am thinking below two solution approach.Please confirm.
1.Take inventory of Old active directory ex: CAMID, Cognos id for user , roles and groups.
2.Create new active directory in same environment and bring up the environment.
2.Take inventory of new active directory ex: CAMID, Cognos id for user , roles and groups.
3.create mapping sheet to map old and new CAMID for the users.
4.Update new CAMID with old CAMID and it should show all myfolders and public folders security. Updating CAMID is possible?
1. Create new active directory configuration in cognos content store server.
2. Now user has an option to choose the active directory old or new. when they choose new they will not see content in Myfolder but will see in old.
3. With SDK coding , we can move my folder content from old to new active directory within the environment by considering old as source and new as target
environment.Is this right solution approach?
4. Also in this scenario, groups CAMID will also get affected. So Public folder will have security issues. How to move all securities from old to new AD?
Sounds like exactly the sort of situation BSP's Metamanager Security Migration Self-Service tool is designed to handle? It isn't free, but I'd be willing to bet the overall cost in terms of paid man hours to develop your own solution would be higher?
In my project same thing is going to happen,but domain is going to be same.So what we have to do in this case.
We have Cognos 10.2.1.
Thanks in Advance.