Having a hard time understanding the differences.... :P
Happy Friday!
Quote from: rockytopmark on 26 Jun 2015 07:21:07 AM
Having a hard time understanding the differences.... :P
Happy Friday!
Hahahahaha! :D I think lions go "miaow"? ;)
In most cases, the difference is probably a foot or more in any dimension.
Dimension ... hahaha, did I make a BI joke?
As a matter of FACT... I think you did!
I think there is also significant difference in the facts such as strength. The difference in dimensions, as bdbits suggested, is probably in a foot (length being one of the attributes of the leg dimension)
You guys have worse jokes than me (and that means they must be BAD - just ask anyone who knows me!) :)
Huge fun! Made my day to read these! :D
Lion >> ETL >> Domestic Cat
E = Engaged
T = Tied the Knot
L = Lament
:P :P :P :P :P