We have some reports that create high data demand from our iSeries environment.
We want to identify/monitor/avoid when a user run the report in multiple browser windows at the same time.
I know that we can play with connections and processes to reduce the number of reports that could run at the same time on pick and non-pick times, but that could affect other users that are not using this particular package or datasource.
I was looking to some type of monitor or alert that could trigger an email or totally avoid this kind of situations.
Any suggestion is appreciated.
Do you have the audit database set up? Perhaps you could use event studio to identify a condition based on a common user ID running the same report multiple times within the same time frame. I'm not sure if audit entries get created as things begin or only when they are completed so you'd need to figure that out to know if it is at the moment or in the past.
Thanks Lynn.
Yes, we have it and I am starting creating some event monitors to collect errors.
My concern is the same thing, if the log is created at the beginning of the report execution or at the end.
I need to avoid that Cognos cause a hold of the operations on the iSeries.
I am pretty sure (but not 100% sure) the audit entry is after it completes. Still, you could use it to create summaries at the end-of-the-day and show who is running what and when. Then graph it and show it on an intranet home page "hall of shame". ;D
From your description, you probably have realtime data but just a thought... If your data is not real-time, you could schedule the report and save a version. Then set the report properties to view the saved version instead of running the report. Thus, no hit at all to the database.
I do not know much about JMX, but if you really want to get into it, there is a JMX interface to Cognos. From what I understand it is very detailed information.