Hi There,
I need to install Fixpack 1 for Cognos 10.1.1, but I also saw fixpacks up to 6.
Are fixpacks like service packs? Do you need to install them one after the other, or if you install fixpack 6, it cumulatively includes all the previous fixes?
Quote from: erics on 18 Jun 2015 10:01:15 AM
Hi There,
I need to install Fixpack 1 for Cognos 10.1.1, but I also saw fixpacks up to 6.
Are fixpacks like service packs? Do you need to install them one after the other, or if you install fixpack 6, it cumulatively includes all the previous fixes?
If you install fixpack 6 you get all the previous fixpacks at the same time - all rolled into one. You only need to install FP6 - not all of the previous ones :)