Hi All,
I have a requirement to craete a dashboard using Active Reports where in I have to create a Bar chart, Line Chart, Crosstab using Control selections like Department, Manager, Select a Month, Select a Week and Select a Year in seperate boxes.
Like Bar Chart in the middle of the Report Page and Controls on the Top of the Report Page.
1. Department
2. Manager
3. Select a Week'
4. Select a Month
5. Select a Year
The user should be able to select any one of the controls.
I am able to do one selection among the above 5 and then link to Bar Chart Chart and the Line Chart.
i-e First taken a data deck and then dragged tab control and created BAr chart in the first tab control and LIne Chart in the second tab control. Also able to create connection to the department.
I am not able to create connections to the rest of the controls.
CAn anyone advise me please.. Its a urgent requirement
Thanks for understanding
Quote from: GeethaKL on 18 Jun 2015 01:21:55 AM
Hi All,
I have a requirement to craete a dashboard using Active Reports where in I have to create a Bar chart, Line Chart, Crosstab using Control selections like Department, Manager, Select a Month, Select a Week and Select a Year in seperate boxes.
Like Bar Chart in the middle of the Report Page and Controls on the Top of the Report Page.
1. Department
2. Manager
3. Select a Week'
4. Select a Month
5. Select a Year
The user should be able to select any one of the controls.
I am able to do one selection among the above 5 and then link to Bar Chart Chart and the Line Chart.
i-e First taken a data deck and then dragged tab control and created BAr chart in the first tab control and LIne Chart in the second tab control. Also able to create connection to the department.
I am not able to create connections to the rest of the controls.
CAn anyone advise me please.. Its a urgent requirement
Thanks for understanding
Are you using charts or visualizations in your report? The technique will be different for each.
Assuming you are using charts, you already have a data deck driven by Department, I assume? You set up a master/detail relationship between the chart queries and the data deck based on department, then you linked your Department control to the data deck using an Active Report variable which selects the data deck?
If you've already got this far, the rest is really easy. You need to add Manager, Week, Month and Year to the queries of your charts. You need to drag Manager, Week, Month and Year into the existing data deck (drop them below Department). You need to modify the master/detail relationships between the charts and the data deck to link on these extra fields as well as on Department. Finally you need to link your Manager, Week, Month and Year controls to the data deck using Active Report variables for each - selecting the data deck.
Oh, and please do not try to prompt a response by claiming it's urgent. Please read the Forum Etiquette post here (http://www.cognoise.com/index.php/topic,24030.0.html), paying particular attention to point 2.
Apologies for for the pushy behavior and will keep that in mind.
Yes I am using Charts and Crosstab in the tab control , inside the data deck and one Data drop down list for department.
1. linked Department control to Data deck
2. linked Tab control to Department
3. Had setup Master detail relationship between the Charts and the Data deck on Department.
ok I understand that the logic is the same for one control or more controls.
i-e adding data dropdown list controls for the Manager, Week, Month and Year(on the top of the Report page) and linking it to the existing Data deck, as well as
creating Master detail relationships between the Charts/Crosstabs and the existing datadeck on these controls along with Department.
Should I create connections between the controls as well? Please advise
Quote from: GeethaKL on 18 Jun 2015 07:17:54 AM
Should I create connections between the controls as well? Please advise
You don't need to link the controls to each other, no. If you wanted to, you could have your Year control filter your Month control (and have this filter your Week control) but you might not want that?
Thanks for the above. I made it to work using Tab Control, DataDeck and data dropdowm lists.
Now that i have new requirement to create the above with one chart per page.
I tried to us ethe sme logic and created this report with 3 Report pages. one for Line Chart, one for BAr chart and one for Crosstab.
When i run the report i could see only one report page ie Line Chart. I could not see the other two report pages.
How to view all the report pages in the report output screen..Please advise
Thansk for your time
Quote from: GeethaKL on 29 Jun 2015 09:48:46 PM
Thanks for the above. I made it to work using Tab Control, DataDeck and data dropdowm lists.
Now that i have new requirement to create the above with one chart per page.
I tried to us ethe sme logic and created this report with 3 Report pages. one for Line Chart, one for BAr chart and one for Crosstab.
When i run the report i could see only one report page ie Line Chart. I could not see the other two report pages.
How to view all the report pages in the report output screen..Please advise
Thansk for your time
Report Pages are a non-active report authoring technique - with an active report you can only ever render one report page. You simply used the wrong technique, that's all.
To see the equivalent of one chart per page in an Active Report, just use a deck with multiple cards and have each chart on a different card. You can then add a control to allow the users to navigate between the cards.
Thanks again MFGF..
I have taken yor suggestion and created a Deck and Radio Button Control to merge all the reports.
Its working fine...
Now the last requirement for the Report is linking the Report to an image. Like, When the user clicks the image it has to take the user to this Report.
Then I have created a seperate report for the image and in the Drill through Definitions of the Image (Under Data) , created a Drill thru definition, gave the Target report Name(the above Report in thsi case), under Action- Run the report . Its working fine when I connected to Cognos Server. but asking credentials when i am disconnected to the server.
Is there any possibility of doing this requirement please? When the User Clicks the image it has to take tim to the above report.
Please advise if there is a possibility
Thanks again for your time.
Quote from: GeethaKL on 30 Jun 2015 07:21:02 PM
Thanks again MFGF..
I have taken yor suggestion and created a Deck and Radio Button Control to merge all the reports.
Its working fine...
Now the last requirement for the Report is linking the Report to an image. Like, When the user clicks the image it has to take the user to this Report.
Then I have created a seperate report for the image and in the Drill through Definitions of the Image (Under Data) , created a Drill thru definition, gave the Target report Name(the above Report in thsi case), under Action- Run the report . Its working fine when I connected to Cognos Server. but asking credentials when i am disconnected to the server.
Is there any possibility of doing this requirement please? When the User Clicks the image it has to take tim to the above report.
Please advise if there is a possibility
Thanks again for your time.
If you use a drill-through definition, you're always going to need to be linked to the Cognos server to drill through like this. The alternative is that you take the rendered MHT active report output and put it on a network folder somewhere your web server has access to (so you can access it via a URL in your web server) and surround your image with an anchor tag (using HTML items) that links to this URL.
Can I make use of this procedure for deploying the reports( both Image Report and TArget Report) to Ipad (via IBM Cognos Mobile app).
Is there any other alternative? I have made use of Application Drill through feature by giving Store ID and Store path of Target Report in Image Report(Source). but unsure of what Active Report variables to pass from the Image Report(source) to Target Report.
In the Source Report(Image Report), I used deck and dragged the image in the deck and gave the Image URL and in the Deck's Application Drill through I have dgiven Store Id and Store path of the Target Report. After that I am unsure of what variables to pass from this Image report to my Target report where i have different combinations of Datadecks, Tab controls, Dropdoen lists..
Can you guide me what would be my next step here, like how to pass variables from Source to Target please?
Thanks for your assistance
Quote from: GeethaKL on 01 Jul 2015 05:19:11 PM
Can I make use of this procedure for deploying the reports( both Image Report and TArget Report) to Ipad (via IBM Cognos Mobile app).
No, sadly. If the iPad is not connected to the Cognos Server you can't link to an active report on the iPad from a "normal" url.
Quote from: GeethaKL on 01 Jul 2015 05:19:11 PM
Is there any other alternative? I have made use of Application Drill through feature by giving Store ID and Store path of Target Report in Image Report(Source). but unsure of what Active Report variables to pass from the Image Report(source) to Target Report.
An Application Drill Through (from one active report to another on the mobile device) will only work if the reports are delivered to the mobile device using the "run and send to mobile device" option, which then requires you to authenticate with the Cognos server before you can view them.
Quote from: GeethaKL on 01 Jul 2015 05:19:11 PM
In the Source Report(Image Report), I used deck and dragged the image in the deck and gave the Image URL and in the Deck's Application Drill through I have dgiven Store Id and Store path of the Target Report. After that I am unsure of what variables to pass from this Image report to my Target report where i have different combinations of Datadecks, Tab controls, Dropdoen lists..
Can you guide me what would be my next step here, like how to pass variables from Source to Target please?
This would work assuming you deliver the reports as above, and since you're not selecting anything other than the image in the source report, there's nothing for you to pass in terms of active report variables. What variables does your source report use - any? Is there any correlation with the variables your target report uses? If so, you could pass them from the source report to the target report, but from what I'm reading here I don't think you need to?
Yeah I dont have any Active Report Variables that should pass from Source Report to Target Report.
But Somehow I managed to create Datadeck and List inside the datadeck and created a dataitem in the list and created the connection between the datadeck and the Listitem. In the List Application Drill through gave the Store id and Store path of the Target Report.
As well in the Traget report I created Datadeck and the list with the image inside the list and craeted the active report variable with the same name and made Public external.
then created a job and scheduled both the reports to the mobile device. In the Ipad when i click the image report and its going to TArget report.. Looks like its working offline..
I have another requirement to this Report which I need to send the report to different levels of managers and they have to see their level of info. they should not ahve complete access to the data.
I have 4 levels here.
1. Store Support Office users - they should have complete access to the data
2. State General Managers - should see state level info
3. Regional Managers - should see region level info
4. Store Managers - should see store level info
I know i can achieve this via Bursting, if it is Cognos 8 Report, I can make use of Master Detail relationship between Bursting MAster Table (Manager Level data)and Detail TAble where i have detail data along with MAnager level info via Busrt Options in the File Menu of Report Studio.
Now this is Active Report. I can still see Burst Options but I am unsure of how to create MAster Detail Relationships here as I have different Queries for different tab controls..
Can you please guide me of achieving this Bursting option in Active Reports please? or any link that has documentation..
Thanks very much