I have a filter that is currently set as follows:
if (?Parameter1? is missing)
then (' ')
else ([Total Vol] < 1)
What am I doing wrong? All I want to do is have the optional filter fire if the prompt is populated. If the prompt is not populated I want the filter to be ignored.
I'm guessing you have two filters defined - the first one similar to:
[item] = ?Parameter1?
defined as an optional filter, and the second as in your post.
In your original filter, why not code the expression as follows:
[item] = ?Parameter1? and [Total vol] < 1
leaving it specified as optional.
Just a thought,
Does that give you what you need?
Thanks for the quick reply. After some more hunting through Cognos guides I found what I need.
Instead of using (' ') I needed (null)
So now it is coded as:
if (?Parameter1? is missing)
then (null)
else ([Total Vol] < 1)
The prompt is a Yes/No prompt. The prompt fireds based on whether the user wants to see Total Vol less then 1 or all Volume.
Thanks again,