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IBM Cognos 8 Platform => COGNOS 8 => Report Studio => Topic started by: nimishabrahamc on 16 Jun 2015 10:01:59 AM

Title: Cross joins between query subjects are not permitted.
Post by: nimishabrahamc on 16 Jun 2015 10:01:59 AM

I have one package which has Views. I have another package which has a Stored Procedure. I want to create filter parameters for the store procedure from the views which I have created.

After creating the parameters (from the view), when I run the report (table created from the stored procedure)  I get an error

"Cross joins (between query subjects: [DB_DS].[SP_ABC_REPORT], [DB_DS].[VW_XYZ]) are not permitted."

Kindly help me solve this.

Title: Re: Cross joins between query subjects are not permitted.
Post by: bdbits on 16 Jun 2015 02:31:50 PM
I would venture a guess that your FM model has no relationship between SP_ABC_REPORT and VW_XYZ.

You need to visit with whoever does your modeling.
Title: Re: Cross joins between query subjects are not permitted.
Post by: nimishabrahamc on 17 Jun 2015 05:18:25 PM
Yes Thanks.