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IBM Cognos 10 Platform => Cognos 10 BI => Cognos Administration => Topic started by: jeeva on 16 Jun 2015 01:31:31 AM

Title: List of reports with Search path
Post by: jeeva on 16 Jun 2015 01:31:31 AM

we need to create a list report in report studio to list out all the report names from public folder and my folder for each user with search path.
for this we are using content store tables to get all report names,store id's, but we are unable find the report search path.

how can we get the search path for each report. please give me your suggestions.

Title: Re: List of reports with Search path
Post by: CognosAnalytics on 16 Jun 2015 08:28:20 PM
Hello Thanay,
I really doubt that you would be able to get to a column in some table in the content store that holds the path value for the objects. What you do have is the CMID and the PCMID(CMID of the parent) in the CMOBJECTS table, which you will have to recursively query to get to the parent of each object all the way to the top, at each recursion checking for type of the container(package or folder) and getting its name from the CMOBJNAMES table. You may have to write a Function/Stored Procedure to achieve this. To narrow it down to reports only, you can filter the records in CMOBJECTS to CLASSID=10 which I believe is of type report.
Lets see what others have to input.


Title: Re: List of reports with Search path
Post by: Andrew Weiss on 30 Jun 2015 12:07:25 PM

Avnet's MetaManager can document this to PDF, Excel or even a database for you easily.  There is a short video on the Content Documenter module located here:

From that page you can also access the downloads and try it for your self.

Title: Re: List of reports with Search path
Post by: Cognos KW on 03 Jul 2015 02:02:05 AM

Attached SQL Query gives Folder name and Search path from Cognos Public Folder. You could modify the query to return the report name and Search Path.
