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IBM Cognos 8 Platform => COGNOS 8 => Report Studio => Topic started by: bharath_hsbc on 28 Aug 2007 10:55:25 AM

Title: Top n records
Post by: bharath_hsbc on 28 Aug 2007 10:55:25 AM
I have a table with marks scored in a subject. I want to show the top 10 students along with their marks. How do i do that in reportnet.

i could assign ranks through running count function but am unable to do rank<11. Any suggestions are appreciated. Thanks. :(
Title: Re: Top n records
Post by: bharath_hsbc on 28 Aug 2007 11:09:42 AM
This is funny, am answering my own query. well, i could do it. this is what i did.

go to the query. double click on the name of the item. in my case it is 'Student_Name'. then edit the expression as topcount([Student_Name],10).

The integer 10 can be changed to the number of records to be displayed. Cool, eh ? Please let me know if you r still facing issues.
Title: Re: Top n records
Post by: MFGF on 28 Aug 2007 11:54:59 AM

If your data is coming from a table via a relational package, the way to go would be to create a Query Calculation using the Rank() function eg
then use this calculated item in a filter eg
[Calculated Item]<11.

If you are using a dimensional package, you should be able to use a query calculation containing the topCount() function eg


Title: Re: Top n records
Post by: bharath_hsbc on 29 Aug 2007 11:24:45 AM
Thanks MF,

Although my query worked, yours make so much more sense. i learnt something new today thanks to u.
Title: Re: Top n records
Post by: mvbsdeepthi on 06 Jul 2011 02:16:02 AM
urgent requirement... plss.....

Hi All,

I have a similar requirement in which I need to display top n countries based on revenue where the value of n is entered during run time.
Any help is appreciated.
Title: Re: Top n records
Post by: CognosPaul on 06 Jul 2011 03:26:25 AM
Were you able to successfully use MF's suggestion? Once you get that working it's a simple matter of replacing the number with #prompt('topN','integer')# and using a textbox prompt to capture the number from the user.