Hi All,
I have a report on which I have a drill-through on a column. I want to select multiple values for tht column.What is way out for doing this.
Also how do we select multiple values for drill through.
Thanx in advance
Try using the package-based drillthrough in Cognos 8 instead of hard-coding your drillthrough based on a column in Report Studio.
1. Create your target report in Report Studio with a parameter filter
eg [item] in (?Param?)
then save the report.
2. From Cognos Connection, go to Tools/Drill-through Defintions and add a new definition - select the package you want to drill through from, then press the New Drill-through Definition button. Specify a name, on the next page select your saved report as the target, then on the final page define the value to pass through to the parameter of the report.
3. Create and run a new report from your package, select one or more values from the column you wish to pass through, then press the Drill Through button on the toolbar.
Hope that helps,
Thanx for ur reply.
But my requirement is different.I have a report in which i have job_no, client_no,client_name,etc. I have to drill through on the job_no.Let say i run this report and I have 10 records of different job_no's. Out of this i want to select 4 job_no's and based on the selected job_no's i want to display the other report.
Plz let me knw the workaroung for this...
Thanx in advance :-)
Not sure I'm following - why is this different? Am I missing something obvious?
I tried ur soln bt ws not meeting my requirements.
If a drill-through is applied on a column then hw can we select more than one values for tht column?
Hope I hav made things clear..... :-)
Thanx again....waiting for ur rply
The solution above does not drill through on a column - that's the whole point. The drillthrough is not explicitly defined on a column in Report Studio but is defined for the package and will pass values from any defined item(s) to the filter parameter(s) in your taget report(s).
Once you have set up the package drillthrough from Cognos Connection, you create your report from the package (containing job_no, client_no, client_name etc), then run the report, and in the Cognos Viewer click on the first job_no you want to pass, then press the <ctrl> key on your keyboard and click on the other job_no values you want to pass. Once you have selected all the required job_no values, press the drill-through button on the toolbar and select your target report.
One last point - make sure that the filter on your target report is defined with an 'in' operator to allow it to filter on multiple values, eg
[job_no] in ?your_parameter?
Thanx for ur reply.
Actually i did as per what u said. Now the problem is tht when i run the main report , I select few job_no's and in the toolbar i have this options:
Run,Drill-up,Drill-down, Go to , etc.
On Clicking Go to I get one disabled option like Related links.This option is disabled . I think probably this is the button you telling the press once running the main report.Correct me if i m wrong.Also let me knw why is option is disabled.
Thanx again in advance.....awaiting rply
Yes, the 'Go to' button is the one that allows you to select your drill-through target. If the 'Related links' option is disabled, this usually means you have either not defined your drillthrough definition for the package at all, or it is incorrectly defined (perhaps with the wrong scope).
Go back to Cognos Connection, make sure you are at the top level on the public folders page, then go to Tools/Drill-through definitions.
You should now see a list of package folders displayed. Select the package you were using when you created your report, and you should see at least one drill-through definition defined.
If you don't see any, this means you did not set one up - use the 'New Drill-through Definition' button at the top to define one pointing to your target report (as specified earlier in the topic).
If you do see one or more drill-through definitions, press the 'Set Properties' button on the right, and go to the 'Target' tab. Use the 'Select the target' link in the top left corner to make sure your definition points at your target report, use the 'Set the scope' link in the top right corner and make sure that the scope is defined as your job_no item, then in the 'Prompt values' section near the bottom of the page, make sure that the value to pass to the parameter is set to your job_no item, and that the Multi-select option is set.
Once you have done this and saved the definition, go back and try your drillthrough again.
Another thought too - in Report Studio, go to Data/Drill Behavior and make sure that the option to allow drill through from a package is checked - if not, check this option, run your report and try the drillthrough again.
Thanx again and again for ur replies.I have tried all the things mentioned by you... but no luck. Actually I m getting options in the Go To button disabled so probably couldn't find out whether I m getting the results.
Try checking through the Cognos 8 Administration and Security guide, chapter 22 to see if there is anything you missed when setting up the drillthrough. It's a long shot, but you may spot something...